• Interview with Jarmo Reponen

    Jarmo Reponen In this issue we speak with Dr Jarmo Reponen, the newly-elected President of EuroPACS.   Can I Ask You to Tell Us a Little About Yourself and Your Experience in the Field of Imaging? I am a radiologist working as a head of department at Raahe Hospital, Finland. I also work part time as a research manager at FinnTelemedicum,...

  • The British Institute of Radiology

    A uthor :  T om D avis T itle : M arketing & F undraising M anager , B ritish I nstitute of R adiology E mail : TOM . DAVIS @ BIR . ORG . UK W ebsite : WWW . BIR . ORG . UK The British Institute of Radiology (BIR) is unique in the...

  • In-Office MRI Spurs Boom in Msk Teleradiology

    Orthopedic physicians who buy in-office imaging equipment are often tarred with the self-referral brush by radiology professionals worried about losing turf in musculoskeletal imaging. But in many cases, orthopods who install their own MRI scanners turn to radiologists - in particular teleradiology services - for assistance in reading musculoskeletal...

  • Computed Tomography Systems

    A uthor :  J ason L aunders , MS C T itle : M edical P hysicist , ECRI E mail : JLAUNDERS @ ECRI . ORG   ECRI E urope W eltech C entre , R idgeway , W elwyn G arden C ity , H erts AL7 2AA, UK T el : +44 (0)1707...

  • Management in Uroradiology

    A uthor :  D r R. C lements T itle : C onsultant Radiologist , R oyal G went H ospital E mail : RICHARD . CLEMENTS @ GWENT . WALES . NHS . UK R eference are Available at EDITORIAL @ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG Imaging has always been an important part of the diagnostic investigation...

  • Cost-Effectiveness Study on Drug-Eluting Stents

    A uthor : E dward S usman E mail : E DWARDSUSMAN @ CS . COM Stockholm, Sweden - A new study by Swiss doctors and economists indicates that hospitals may be able to save money by restricting which patients are eligible for drug-eluting stents – devices that remarkably reduce post-angioplasty...

  • Imaging Coronary Artery Disease: A Hospital Manager’s Perspective

    A uthors :  M athiys G oyen , Jorg F. D ebatin T itle : U niversity M edical C enter H amburg -E ppendorf E mail : GOYEN @ UKE . UNI - HAMBURG . DE   Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the leading cause of death in Western nations. To...

  • An Association of University Radiologist in Europe

    A uthors :  P rof . D r H ans B lickman , P rof . D r J arl J akobsen E mails : J . BLICKMAN @ RAD . UMCN . NL , JARL . JAKOBSEN @ RIKSHOSPITALET . NO   Under the leadership of Professors Krestin, Ringertz, Dixon and others, an attempt has been made since 2000...

  • This Year’s Congress of Management in Radiology (MIR) Takes Place 5-7 October in Copenhagen.

    Theme The theme for this year is ‘Current Trends and Future Priorities’. The programme promises a varied view of the future directions of management. Invited speakers include several members of the editorial board of IMAGING Management: Iain W. McCall; Johan Blickman; Jarl A. Jakobsen; Nicola Strickland; and Henrik Thomsen.   Sessions...

  • Announcement of the Next Winter Course of MIR

    C ontact :  D r A ntonio S antoro E MAIL : MIR @ EWGMR . ORG W EBSITE : WWW . EWGMR . ORG   Workshop on Management in Radiology, XIIth Edition 5-7 January 2006, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. Supported by: GE Healthcare, Guerbet, Schering   T opic - Internal and...

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