• Positron Emission Tomography

    By the time you read this issue, you may already be at the ECR 2005 conference, in Vienna. If you are, we hope you have a very successful conference.   Positron Emission Tomography, especially linked with Computer Tomography, has substantially increased the scope of nuclear medicine with many new possible applications. In this issue, we...

  • Matrox Graphics Inc.

    Author P atricia J reige M arketing C ommunications S pecialist 514.822.6000 X 7740 WWW . MATROX . COM / MGA   New Products Featured at RSNA 2004 At RSNA 2004 (Chicago IL. USA), Matrox Medical Imaging featured its latest products, including the new RAD2mp PCI Express board,...

  • Stentor

    M ark C ontractor R eis S tentor M arketing and C orporate C ommunications 650-228-5384 MARK @ STENTOR . COM WWW . STENTOR . COM   Stentor Selected as Approved Vendor by MedAssets Supply Chain Systems for Multi-Year Imaging Contract Stentor has announced that it...

  • ECRI News

    ECRI E urope M ichael S tewart STEWART @ ECRI . ORG . UK WWW . ECRI . ORG . UK   ECRI is pleased to announce the Medical Imaging Technology Online Service (MITOS), which includes information about Digital Imaging, PACS Systems, CT/MRI Scanners, DICOM issues and more. With more and more...


    Authors D avid C aramella E uro PACS P resident WWW . RAD . UNIPI . IT H OME CARAMELLA @ DO . MED . UNIPI . IT   E wa P ietka P H D, Dsc P rofessor S ilesian U niversity of T echnology A kademicka 16...

  • HistoScanning :

    A New Ultrasound-Based Technology for the Non-Invasive Detection of Cancers in Solid Organs  Authors Dror Nir , P H D Advanced Medical Diagnostics 555 Engeland Street, (1180) Brussels T EL : +32-2-600 50 10 DRORNIR @ HISTOSCANNING . COM   Andre-Robert Grivegeen , MD Philippe Autier...

  • Scanning Systems, Positron Emission Tomography PACS Comparison Table

    E CRI , a Nonprofit Organisation 5200 B utler P ike , P lymouth M eeting PA 19462-1298, USA T ELEPHONE +1 (610) 825-6000 F AX +1 (610) 834-1275 E- MAIL HPCS @ ECRI . ORG   HPCT WERE ORIGINALLY PRINTED J ULY 2003   Scope of this Product Comparison...

  • Acr to Pitch Congress on 'Designated Physician Imagers' for Medicare

    As a more comprehensive response to spiraling costs fueled by nonradiologist self-referral, the American College of Radiology is proposing that Congress place to Medicare patients.   Details of the ‘designated physician imager’ (DPI) proposal -- essentially, a federal privileging program -- are still in the works.   The college...

  • The Position of Hospital-Based Radiology in Belgium

    Author P iet V anhoenacker MD S taff R adiologist O NZE -L IEVE -V ROUW Z iekenhuis , A alst M oorselbaan 164, 9300 A ALST B elgium   The position of hospital-based radiology in Belgium (excluding academic institutions) is structured according...

  • How to Become a Radiologist in Belgium

    Author D r . J ohan De M ey AZ-Vub L aarbeeklaan 101 1090 B russels B elgium Email : JOHAN . DEMEY @ AZ . VUB . AC . BE   Introduction to the Belgian System To understand the Belgian education and health care systems, it is necessary to know something about...

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