• RSNA 2004 After the Ball was Over

    E dward S usman EDWARDSUSMAN @ CS . COM RSNA 2004 The booths have been broken down, the carpets rolled up, and one has to assume that the cab line at McCormick Place has gotten a little bit shorter. Yes, the RSNA conference has wrapped up for the year.   This year's meeting again saw radiology demonstrate...

  • Impact of the Clinical Trials Directive: 3000 Clinical Researchers Protest

    Helicia Herman E ditor European Affairs   Some 3,000 researchers have signed a petition against Directive 2001/20/EC on Clinical Trials 2001, which took effect in May 2004. The campaign against the directive will now focus on documenting the difficulties experienced by researchers as a result of the transposition of the directive into...

  • GE Healthcare

    Author B rian M c K aig , PR 262-544-3937 BRIAN . MCKAIG @ GE . COM WWW . GEHEALTHCARE . COM / COMPANY / PRESSROOM /   GE Unveils the World’s First High Definition Magnetic Resonance (HDMR) System GE Healthcare has unveiled exclusive cardiac imaging techniques developed with the...

  • Planar

    P lanar S ystems , I nc . L inda F erguson LINDA _ FERGUSON @ PLANAR . COM WWW . PLANAR . COM   Planar's New Lines of Touchscreen Monitors Drive Market Evolution Planar Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:PLNR), a worldwide leader in flat-panel display systems, is launching an expanded, comprehensive...

  • The Role of the European Association of Radiology (EAR)

    Author I an M c C all V ice -P resident of Ear   The European Association of Radiology (EAR) is a federation of all the European (EU and Non-EU) National and Sub-specialty Radiological Societies and is responsible for representing the combined views of all these groups on radiological matters in Europe....

  • CARS News

    CARS 2005 C omputer A ssisted R adiology and S urgery 19 TH I nternational Congress and E xhibition J une 22 - 25, 2005, B erlin , G ermany J oint Congress of CARS/ E uro PACS/ISCAS/CMI/ CAD 20 Y ears CARS 1985 - 2005 WWW . CARS...

  • Nuclear Medicine

    Author Rodrigo M oreno -R eyes, MD P H D D epartment of N uclear M edicine D epartment E rasme Hospital B russels , B elgium   The clinical impact of nuclear medicine has increased dramatically since the use of Positron Emission Tomography...

  • C-Methionine PET: Indispensable Tool for the Management of Brain Tumors

    Author D r . B ich -N goc -T hanh T ang , H ospital E rasme RouteDe L ennik 808, 1070 B russels B elgium E - MAIL : T HANH .T ANG @ ULB . AC . BE   T EL : + 32 2 555 3111 ( EXT : 5727) F AX + 32 3 555 6800   C-methyl-methionine...

  • Gonadal Shield Cuts Scatter Radiation from MDCT

    Organs with rapidly dividing cell systems, including bone marrow, intestines, and gonads, are known to be more sensitive to ionizing radiation than other anatomic regions.   For gonads in particular, a threshold radiation dose of 350-600 cGy may be sufficient to produce permanent sterility. Animal studies suggest that a gonadal radiation...

  • ECR 2005

    Author P aul V ine M anaging E ditor Imaging M anagement FIGURE: Professor Helen Carty Chairman of the Executive ECR WWW . ECR . ORG   This year’s European congress of Radiology takes place between the 4th and the 8th March 2005 in Vienna. In her introduction to the congress...

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