• Programme Topics MIR 2006

    A ntonio S antoro WWW . EWGMR . ORG MIR @ EWGMR . ORG The 9th Annual MIR (Management In Radiology) meeting will be held this year in Budapest, Hungary from October 5 - 7, 2006. The scientific programme, which includes refresher courses and symposia with CME accreditation are continuously updated....

  • Conference Date Announced

    P etra J ache OFFICE @ ESMRMB . ORG WWW . ESMRMB . ORG   The European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) 23rd Annual Meeting will take place this year in Warsaw, Poland, September 21 – 23, 2006.   The aim of the ESMRMB Annual Meeting is to...

  • Power of Legislation Priorities of the Austrian and Finish Presidencies

    Author S onya P lanitzer E ditor E uropean A ffairs EUROPE @ EMCEUROPE . COM The power to legislate is shared by the Council and the European Parliament. In most situations, European laws are made by a co-decision procedure. This means that the Council and the Parliament jointly adopt...

  • Philips iSite PACS “Best in KLAS: PACS Category”

    Philips Medical Systems, a division of Royal Philips Electronics, announced that Philips iSite PACS was named “Best in KLAS PACS” in the 2005 Top 20 Year-End Best in KLAS Awards report from KLAS Enterprises. This is the third consecutive “Best in KLAS” ranking for iSite.   The report categorises each vendor product into a market segment...

  • The Future of Teleradiology

    Author P rof . P eter M.T. P attynama , R adiologist S ecreatary General , UEMS R adiology Section Erasmus U niversity M edical C entre , R otterdam , T he N etherlands P . M . T . PATTYNAMA @ ERASMUSMC . NL Information...

  • Teleradiology in India

    Authors D r . JR R aja D epartment of Intensive C are M edicine , W hittington H ospital NHS T rust , H ighgate H ill , L ondon , UK ICUDR @ DOCTORS . ORG . UK K asi V iswanathan CEO, P ica V ox T echnologies , I ndira N agar , B anglore 38,...

  • Computed Tomography Scanning System

    Contact ECRI E urope W eltech C entre R idgeway , W elwyn G arden City , H erts AL7 2AA, U nited Kingdom INFO @ ECRI . ORG . UK WWW . ECRI . ORG . UK ECRI is a total ly independent non profit research agency designated as a Collaborating...

  • Interview with Jonathan Elion

    Interviewee J onathan E lion N ewly Appointed C hief Medical Officer (CMO), AGFA H ealthcare C O - Founder and M edical Advisor , H eartlab JLE @H EARTLAB . COM B Tell Us About Your Professional Background. . I went to Brown University for college...

  • ECR 2006 Congress Preview

    Europe’s Leading Radiology Congress This year’s European Congress of Radiology (ECR) takes place March 3 – 7 2006, in Vienna, Austria. I t wi l l be the f irst ECR held under the auspices of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), uniting al l major organisations in this field of medicine. Therefore, in addition to taking par t in a scienti...

  • ECR 'Challenges for Teleradiology' Session Preview

    Teleradiology: Pacesetter for Telemedicine and the Health Infrastructure of Tomorrow Prof. Matthias Matzko The rapidly changing European healthcare environment faces a lack of financial resources due to increasing innovations in therapy and diagnostic methods with dramatically increasing costs. IT solutions offer the opportunity to create...

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