• Results Announced From CARS 2006

    The 20th International Congress and Exhibition of CARS 2006 (Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery) was successfully held at the Osaka International Convention Centre in Osaka, Japan with 855 congress registrants from 43 countries. The meeting was organised by Hironabu Nakamura MD, PhD (Professor of Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)...

  • Planmed Applies to FDA for Full Field Digital Mammography System

    Planmed has recently submitted a premarket approval (PMA) application to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the company’s Planmed Nuance* Full Field Digital Mammography System. Planmed hopes to receive the application approval before the end of the year.   The Planmed Nuance is based on amorphous selenium (a-Se) detector technology. Planmed...

  • Leading Interventional Radiology Across Europe

    Interview with Prof. Johannes Lammer Prof. Johannes Lammer C hairman , D epartment of A ngiography and I nterventional Radiology , U niversity of V ienna /AKH P resident of   Cirse How did You Come to be Involved in Interventional Radiology? I am currently...

  • Increasing Operational Effectiveness

    Ensuring Stable Departmental Growth Author P rof . J. L. B loem H ead of Radiology and N uclear Medicine L eiden U niversity Madical C entre L eiden ,The Netherlands J . L . BLOEM @ LUMC . NL To develop a quality-led, customer-driven and forward looking healthcare...

  • Management Issue in a National Research Programme

    A Multidisciplinary Approach Author P rof . I stvan B attyani C hairman of the D epartment of Radiology F aculty of Medicine , U niversity of P ecs P ecs , H ungary   In South-west Hungary, three years ago, a regional...

  • Interview with Prof.Georg Bongartz

    Interviewee P rof . G eorg B ongartz H ead General R adiology U niversity Hospital   B asel S witzerland Tell Us About the Background and Origins of MIR. _ Four radiologists (Paolo Pavone, Italy, Christian Herold, Austria, Gabriel Krestin, The Netherlands and myself)...

  • Agfa Wins RIS/PACS/Speech Contract in the Netherlands

    The Isala hospital group in Zwolle, The Netherlands, has chosen Agfa HealthCare for the installation of an extensive RIS/PACS/Speech solution which will integrate medical patient information flows between its two sites. The decision is the result of a stringent tender procedure that followed EU regulations that govern tenders received by public...

  • Toshiba Presents Computer-assisted Tomography Device

    Unveiled at the recent American College of Cardiology (ACC) Meeting, a new investigative computer-assisted tomography device developed by Toshiba can create high-resolution, nearly instant pictures of a patient's heart - literally in one heartbeat. "The 2nd spec 256-Multislice CT seems to be a promising next generation CT for coronary and cardiac...

  • Resolving Budget Conflicts in University Radiology

    Author P rof . D r . M athias L anger D irector D ivison of D iagnostic R adiology R adiology D epartment F reiburg U niversity H ospital F reiburg , G ermany MATHIAS . LANGER @ UNIKLINIK - FREIBURG . DE How...

  • Process Management in a Radiological Management

    Improving the Quality System Authors R. D uvauferrier (A bove ) S. B adonnel Y. R olland C. B ourdeau D epartment of R adiology and M edical I maging H ôpital S ud R ennes , F rance REGIS . DUVAUFERRIER @...

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