• Workshop on the Art of Leadership, Gstaad, Switzerland, Jan. 4 - 6, 2007

    Managers and leaders in the field of healthcare are under enormous pressure to deliver more, with fewer resources and in faster time. This pressure quickly translates into inefficiency, reduced effectiveness and personal stress, all of which are then transmitted to those people we manage and lead. Organised by Management in Radiology (MIR), the 2007...

  • Siemens Receive EC Approval for Bayer Acquisition

    Siemens has received approval from the European Commission to acquire the diagnostics division of Bayer Healthcare without restrictions. The approval follows earlier approval by U.S. antitrust authorities at the beginning of October. This follows the acquisition of the U.S. firm Diagnostic Products Corporation (DPC), which was completed at the end...

  • Mercury Announce Agreement with BRIT Systems

    Mercury Computer Systems announced agreements with BRIT Systems for the integration and distribution of its medical image management system with Koning Corporation to provide a wide range of solutions to improve the entire medical imaging workflow. Under the agreement with BRIT Systems, a PACS/RIS company based in the US, BRIT will integrate the Mercury...

  • Letter from the Chair:Introduction to MIR 2006

    Author Prof. Georg Bongartz Chairman Department of  Radiology University Hospital Basel Basel, Switzerland The increased number of participants and positive feedback from attendees of the recently-held ‘Management in Radiology�... Read more

  • Managing the Future of Our Profession

    Author D r N icolah S trickland C onsultant R adiologist D epartment of I maging H ammersmith H ospitals NHS T rust L ondon , UK NSTRICKLAND @ HHNT . NHS . UK The practice of medicine changes with the times, something that radiologists worldwide...

  • Contrast Media Injectors

    Contact ECRI E urope W eltech C entre R idgeway , W elwyn G arden C ity , H erts AL7 2AA, U nited K ingdom INFO @ ECRI . ORG . UK WWW . ECRI . ORG . UK ECRI is a totally independent non profit research agency designated as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such...

  • Overview of the National Health System in Italy:Reforming the System

    Author P ROF . Biagio  M erlingo A ssociate Professor of Radiology D epartment of Clinical S cience in B ioimaging C atholic U niversity of Rome R ome , I taly The Italian National Health Service (Sistema Sanitario Nazionale, SSN) was established in 1978, almost thirty years later...

  • Mobile Imaging Informatics: Transforming Workflow

    Many healthcare facilities are committing a not inconsiderable amount of human, technical and financial resources, to the installation and implementation of mobile imaging informatics, providing remote access to exam reports, patient files and images that can be used to speed up reporting, queries and second opinions on diagnoses, as well as to improve...

  • Agfa Debut New Solution in Europe

    At the World Congress of Cardiology in Barcelona, Agfa HealthCare made the European debut of the Heartlab Congenital reporting and analysis tool for congenital echocardiography reporting.   Heart defects are among the most common birth defects and are the leading cause of birth-defect related deaths, according to the American Heart Association...

  • Mobile Image Delivery and Acquisition

    New Ways to Manage and Access Information Author Dr   Jarmo   Reponen Chief Radiologist Dept. of Radiology Raahe Hospital Raahe, Finland JARMO . REPONEN @ OULU . FI The development of wireless networks and terminals has made mobile connections to image archive and communication systems (PACS)...

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