• Highlights of MIR 2006 Congress

    Management Issues Crucial to Radiology Author Prof. Iain McCall: Opening Address More and more, radiologists are realising through gatherings like the recent ‘Management in Radiology’ congress (Budapest, Hungary, October 5 – 7 2006), that they risk the erosion of their profession as an entity if they fail to recognise...

  • IHE Expansion Continues with New Domains Arising

    There are four new integration profiles in trial implementation in the radiology domain in 2006: 1. Nuclear Medicine Image Integration Profile (NMI) with Cardiac Option is a change to the NM Image Profile, improving functionality for nuclear medicine cardiac image viewing. 2. Image Fusion (FUS) Integration Profile specifies communications...

  • Highlights from EuroPACS 2006

    The EuroPACS conference is one of the largest gatherings of specialists in medical imaging and digital systems for eHealth. This year’s edition, which took place in Trondheim, Norway, offered information on the latest and most significant developments in clinical practice, research and education within digital radiology. Physicians, radiologists,...

  • Konica Work With Alliance Medical

    Alliance Medical, a European provider of managed imaging services, has become the first company in the UK to install Konica Minolta’s Drypro 793 Laser Imager.   Launched recently, this system is integrated into Alliance Medical’s existing PACS system. The Drypro laser imager has a minimal pixel size of 25 um. It is also equipped with a web...

  • Sectra Receive Microsoft .NET award

    Sectra was announced the winner in the category “ISV/Packaged Software Solutions” at Microsoft’s fifth Microsoft .NET Awards. The competition acknowledges and rewards Microsoft partners that have developed the most innovative IT solutions based on the .NET platform. The jury’s motivation was: “Sectra has developed a high-performance system for workstations...

  • The Digital North Denmark Project

    Our Experience Integrating Mobile Technology Author D R H ENRIK G REGERSEN Chairman Musculoskeletal Radiology Section Department of Radiology Aalborg Hospital Aalborg, Denmark AAS . IGP 0@ NJA . DK The healthcare environment is constantly changing. From paper reports...

  • Enabling Access to Patient Data

    Ensuring True Mobility in Imaging Author L iz B eckmann M anaging D irector Lanmark M edical B eaconsfeild , UK LIZBECKMANN @ LANMARKMEDICAL . CO . UK   Mobile imaging is not new; for over ten years, it has been used in several areas, including the transmission...

  • Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS)

    Contact ECRI E urope W eltech C entre R idgeway , W elwyn G arden C ity , H erts AL7 2AA, U nited K ingdom INFO @ ECRI . ORG . UK WWW . ECRI . ORG . UK ECRI is a totally independent non profit research agency designated as a Collaborating...

  • German Radiological Society

    Profile of the Deutsche Roentgengesellschaft (DRG) Author P rof . M aximilien R eiser P resident G erman S ociety of   R adiology (DRG) B erlin , Germany OFFICE @ DRG . DE On May 2, 2005, the Deutsche Roentgengesellschaft (DRG) celebrated its 100th anniversary....

  • The Medical Imaging Industry in Germany

    Largest Single Imaging Market in Europe Author D r H ans -P eter B ursig M anaging D irector ZVEI D ivison M edical E ngineering F rankfurt Am M ain , G ermany BURSIG @ ZVEI . ORG Germany is probably unique in that it maintains two separate...

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