• ECRI-AIMS Equipment Management System

    ECRI-AIMS has announced a new system for managing all aspects of technologybased assets found in European and international healthcare institutions. It is a web-browser application, enabling data stored centrally by the hospital to be accessed via a web browser connected to the hospital intranet. There is no client software to install and ECRI-AIMS...

  • Joint Congress of CAR/ISCAS/CAD/CMI/EuroPACS

    Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) have announced that the 21st International Congress and Exhibition will be held in Berlin, Germany, on the 27 – 30 June 2007.   The deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 10, 2007. Topics will include the following: • Medical Imaging • Computer Assisted Cardiovascular...

  • Update to Matrox Imaging Library Announced

    Matrox Imaging is announcing a new module for its Matrox Imaging Library (MIL). “Adding a metrology tool was the next logical step for MIL”, explains Pierantonio Boriero, Product Line Manager, Matrox Imaging.   As part of Processing Pack 3, the latest update to the current MIL 8.0 release, the Metrology module tool measures and constructs...

  • GE Healthcare Complete Acquisition of Biacore

    GE Healthcare announced that pursuant to its public offer it has received acceptances equivalent to approximately 98 percent of the total number of shares outstanding in Biacore. All of the conditions to the offer have been fulfilled and GE Healthcare is proceeding with the closing of the offer.

  • Hologic Inaugurate New European Headquarters

    Hologic have inaugurated their new European Headquarters,   Service and Parts Depot, and Training Centre in Brussels. The new facility doubles the size of the Hologic European headquarters. This is the second major investment for Hologic in Europe in the past six months. In May, Hologic announced the 21 million EUR acquisition of AEG Elektrofotografie,...

  • Mobile Life in the Radiology Department

    Our Experiences with Mobile Technology Author P rof . N evra E lm Professor of   R adiology D epartment of Radiology E ge U niversity M edical F aculty I zmir , T urkey NEVRAELMAS @ GMAIL . COM Workflow dynamics within modern radiology departments...

  • Beyond the Heart: Innovations in Radiology

    The Evolving Ultrasound Market Author D r J im R. B rown S enior D irector of   C linical and T echnical M arketing P hilips M edical S ystems , U ltrasound Beyond the heart, researchers are exploring applications for 3D or “volumetric”...

  • How 3D Imaging is Advancing Radiology

    Practical Guidelines for a Successful 3D Imaging Service Authors G ordon J. H arris D irector , 3D I maging S ervice M assachusetts G eneral H ospital A ssociate P rofessor of R adiology H arvard M edical S chool B...

  • IT and Workflow Organisation

    Information Technology in a University Radiology Department Author D r P eter M ildenberger S enior Radiologist D epartment of R adiology J ohannes G utenberg U niversity Hospital M ainz , G ermany MILDEN @ RADIOLOGIE . KLINIK . UNI - MAINZ . DE...

  • Education and Training for Radiology

    The Experience in Germany Author P rof . D r   B erthold B. W ein A ssociate P rofessor of the D epartment of R adiology M edical Centre of the T echnical U niversity of A achen and P rivate P...

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