• Shimadzu Introduces New Flat-panel Technology

    Shimadzu has introduced a new flat-panel detector (FPD). The ‘Safire’ offers the first detector with directconversion technology, and advantages in image quality and dose efficiency in comparison with indirect FPD technology. The new technology enables clearer high–resolution images with less signal deterioration and reduced noise. The top layer of...

  • Philips Acquire Witt Biomedical Corporation

    Philips will acquire Witt Biomedical Corporation, an independent supplier of haemodynamic monitoring and clinical reporting systems used in cardiology catheterisation laboratories (cath labs). Subject to receipt of regulatory approval, Philips will acquire Witt Biomedical for approximately USD165 million. The transaction is expected to close in the...

  • Matrox AuroraVX Boards to be Sold with NECDS-J Medical Displays

    Matrox Graphics Inc., a manufacturer of graphics solutions, has announced that NECDS-J will offer the Matrox AuroraVX Series™ display controller board with its medical MD21GS-3MP, MD21GS-2MP displays in Japan. The AuroraVX Series of display controller boards maximise display output options, powering up to three displays from a single low-profile PCI...

  • Sectra to Integrate New Radiology Method

    Sectra, a manufacturer of equipment for radiology exams, plans to integrate new technology into future products, based on a doctoral thesis entitled “Computer-aided Detection and Novel Mammography Imaging Techniques" by Hans Bornefalk, named "Best Student Contributor" at a major conference for radiology technology in the US.   To grow, a...

  • Requirements for a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Room with PACS

    Choosing the Right Setting and Equipment Authors D r N icolah . S trickland C onsultant Radiologist P rofessor P hilip G ishen D irector of I maging H ammersmit H ospital NHS T rust L ondon , U nited Kingdom D r N...

  • PACS and Radiology Reporting Workstation

    GPWL Vital to Maximise Buyer Choice Author D r D avid H arvey M edical C onnections S wansea , U nited K ingdom DAVE @ MEDICALCONNECTIONS . CO . UK Why Requirements Differ for Repor ting Workstations To understand why this barrier exists for reporting...

  • Live 3D Ultrasound Solutions

    Accuracy Key for Improved Heart Failure Management Author D r . I van S algo H eart F ailure I nvestigations Programme D irector P hilips U ltrasound Heart failure, the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the metabolic demand...

  • Diagnostic Modalities Target CAD

    Review of Technological Advances Author A nthony S tevens , P H D D irector M edical O ptions L ondon , U nited K ingdom ASTEVENS @ MEDICALOPTIONS . CO . UK   In recent years the development of new technologies across the range of imaging...

  • Interview with Prof.Davide Caramella

    Interviewee P rof . D avide C aramella R adiologia D iagnostica E I nterventistica U niversita Di P isa , I taly Tell Us About Your Professional Background. I am an Academic Radiologist at the University of Pisa. My main clinical role is in the area of imaging and...

  • European Congress of Radiology,Vienna, 3 – 7 March, 2006

    With a record number of 16,000 participants, the number of attendees at ECR 2006 exceeded al l previous year’s levels. This year’s congress also saw the highest ever number of attendance in lecture rooms, thirteen percent higher than 2005. Due t o high demand, the Foundation Course on Musculoskeletal Radiology had to be repeated. “One of the foundations...

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