• Changing Role of the Radiologist

    Radiologists are practicing in an environment of tremendous change. The changeover from film-based radiology to faster, sharper PACS and the increasing demand for more complex diagnostic procedures, continues to transform the ways in which radiologists work and how they collaborate with other medical healthcare specialists. That role includes interacting...

  • Workshop 2007 Dates Announced

    Managers and leaders are under enormous pressure to deliver more, with fewer resources and in faster time. This pressure quickly translates into inefficiency, reduced effectiveness and personal stress, all of which are then transmitted to those people we manage and lead in the form of staff morale, poor motivation, absenteeism, sickness, and high staff...

  • The Court of Justice of the European Communities

    Author S onja  P lanitzer E ditor  E uropean  A ffairs EUROPE @ EMCEUROPE . COM The Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) is the judicial institution of the European Union. It was set up under the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952 and is based...

  • NEC Display Solutions Introduces New Professional Display Series

    NEC Display Solutions, a provider of flat panel desktop and large-screen displays announced its new series of professional LCD monitors - the NEC MultiSync 90-series. The new NEC MultiSync 90-series, which will replace the MultiSync 80-series, contains over 25 new or improved features that produce crisper, clearer images, enable better control and...

  • Planar Introduces First Medically Certified 4-MP Colour Display

    Planar Systems, Inc. has unveiled the Dome ® EX line in Europe, which includes the first 4-MP colour diagnostic display medically certified for the healthcare field. Designed for use in areas such as radiology, cardiology, nuclear medicine, PET/CT, dermatology and the OR, Planar’s Dome E4c features a widescreen, 16:9 formatthat simplifies comparison...

  • New Generation Storage Solutions

    A Holistic Approach to Data Management Authors D r . H anna P ohjonen H ealthcare IT Consultant R osalieco O Y E spoo , F inland HANNA . POHJONEN @ ROSALIECO . FI P rof . H ans B lickman C hairman D ept . of...

  • PACS ,Telecardiology,Telemedicine and e-Health in Norway

    How Informatics are Improving Healthcare Author R oald B ergstrom S enior Advisor N orwegian C entre for I nformatics in Health And Social Care (KITH) N orway ROALD . BERGSTROM @ KITH . NO   Norway provides extensive health services and a welldeveloped...

  • Management Training in Norway

    Author P rof . J arl A. J akobsen C hairman D epartment of   R adiology R ikshospitalet U niversity H ospital O slo , N orway JARL . JAKOBSEN @ RIKSHOSPITALET . NO A solid grounding in management and business administration is...

  • Healthcare Product Comparison Chart

    Contact ECRI E urope W eltech C entre R idgeway , W elwyn G arden C ity , H erts AL7 2AA, U nited K ingdom INFO @ ECRI . ORG . UK WWW . ECRI . ORG . UK ECRI is a total ly independent non profit research agency designated as...

  • French Society of Radiology (SFR)

    Promoting the Profession of Radiology in France Authors P rofessor G uy F rija S ecretary G eneral C atherene P rop E xecutive D irector S ociete F rancaise De R adiologie (SFR) P aris , F rance SFR @ SFRADIOLOGIE...

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