• Update from Cardiostim

    The 15th edition of Cardiostim, the main world meeting on electrophysiology and cardiac arrhythmia, will be held from June 14 - 17, 2006, in Nice-Acropolis (France). 5,000 participants from 80 countries are expected to attend. This year’s programme includes over 1,000 presentations proposed by teams from 50 countries, and will continue to highlight...

  • Results Announced from IHE Connectathon Barcelona

    Yet another successful event was held during the last week of April 2006, in Barcelona, Spain, by ‘Integrating the Health Enterprise’ (IHE). This year’s Connectathon featured more than 250 participants who attended the five-day event in the La Farga Centre at L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, coorganised by IHE-Europe and IHE-Espagna with the help of StudioSeis....

  • Rule of Law

    Author S onja P lanitzer E ditor E uropean A ffairs EUROPE @ EMCEUROPE . COM The European Union is based on the rule of law. This means that everything that it does is derived from treaties, which are agreed on voluntarily and democratically by all Member States. The most important...

  • The Threat to MRI Throughout Europe?

    Author D r D avid N orris H ead of MRI I nvestigations FC D onders C entre for C ognitive N euroimaging N IJmegen , T he N etherlands D AVID .N ORRIS @ FCDONDERS . RU . NL In 2004, the European Commission...

  • Hologic Make New Acquisitions

    Hologic have entered into definitive agreements to acquire both Suros Surgical Systems and R2 Technology. Suros Surgical Systems, a privately held manufacturer of minimally invasive surgical technologies focused on breast biopsy and tissue removal provide the ATEC ® (Automated Tissue Excision and Collection) line of products for percutaneous,...

  • GE Healthcare Launches Centricity RIS/PACS Software

    GE Healthcare has introduced the next-generation Centricity RIS/PACS 3.0. which handles the demands of high volume departments, large stand-alone hospitals, and even entire hospital networks. Centricity RIS/PACS 3.0 conforms to IHE standards, and integrates RIS and PACS data seamlessly into a user based solution for radiologists, clinicians and technologists....

  • Cardiology Requirements for PACS

    Defining Future Needs Author D r G abriel M einhardt C ardiology C onsultant R obert B osch K rankenhaus S tuttagert , Germany GABRIEL . MEINHARDT @ RBK . DE The Robert Bosch Krankenhaus was opened in 1973 and has created a worldwide...

  • Assessing Performance in Digital Mammography Technology

    Authors P rof . D r . Med . R. S chulz -W endtland I nstitute of R adiology G ynaecological R adiology U niversity of E rlangen -N urnberg E rlangen , G ermany RUEDIGER . SCHULZ - WENDTLAND @ IDR . IMED . UNI - ERLANGEN...

  • The French Healthcare System

    Author P rof . F rank B oudghene P roffessor for R adiology H opital T enon P aris , F rance Many significant aspects of the French healthcare system have changed over the last few years, and will continue to impact the future of healthcare provision in France, as...

  • Profile of the National Federation of Imaging Management

    Protecting the Intrests of Imaging in France Author D ervla S ains M anaging E ditor Imaging M anagement EDITORIAL @ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG For the last twenty years, major technological advances have transformed radiology and diagnostic and therapeutic imaging. X-rays no...

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