HealthManagement, Volume 6 - Issue 3, 2006

Protecting the Intrests of Imaging in France

Dervla Sains

Managing Editor

Imaging Management


For the last twenty years, major technological advances have transformed radiology and diagnostic and therapeutic imaging. X-rays no longer constitute the main workload of the radiologist; ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computer assisted devices are some of the many examples that make up a significant part of their diversified daily workload. As well as considering the needs of the patient, the radiologist responds to questions asked by the referrring physician. In constant re-evaluation and transformation, the profession of the radiologist is both dynamic and firmly focused on the future. With a foundation in the diagnostic arena, it is evolving to focus on therapeutic services and the complete management of the patient via interventional imaging. The demands on the modern healthcare professional have magnified the role of technology so that efficiency is one of the major markers of the quality of care provided. Since 1907, the National Federation of Medical Radiologists (FNMR) is confronting these major changes in role and pursuing its various goals as described below.

Role of the FNMR

The FNMR’s mission is the promotion of liberal radiology, and to represent and defend the interests of medical imaging specialists. Led by President Jacques Niney, and a group of foremost experts in the field, the FNMR is a medical federation which unifies 70% of French medical professionals active in the field of imaging, and counts over 3,800 supporters. Backed by this support, the FNMR guarantees the representation and defence of medical imaging professionals on a world stage of health bodies and public powers.


The FNMR also includes a range of other activities in the form of information provision and services, advice and interventions on behalf of its members. It defends the interests of the profession within the framework of its policy of bringing together and addressing the needs of both general and specialised doctors. As part of its collaboration with the SFR (French Society of Radiology), CERF (French Radiology Resident Advisory Service), and the SHR (Syndicate of Hospital Radiologists), which come together under the umbrella of the ‘G4’ organisation, the FNMR provides an essential platform for the professional identity of the French radiological community.

Permanent Role and Missions

The FNMR represents and defends the interests of medical radiologists before other world health actors and public powers. In ensuring an efficient imaging service that is accessible by all, the FNMR also represents the interests of patients. It ensures they have access to the best diagnostic and therapeutic imaging techniques, and therefore to a more efficient medical service. The FNMR also works with medical radiologists in the management of their enterprise. It informs its members about the evolution of the profession including IT, legal and administrative issues. In this way the FNMR is paving the future for imaging and healthcare. It has put into place a continued training structure for medical radiologists and their staff members. It contributes along with the SRF, CERF and the SRH, to the application of the Euratom Directives, in particular in the area of radioprotection and justication of acts.

Current Activities

'Development of propositions for coherent and equitable standards for recognition of best practice

'Imaging Observatory

'Senology Observatory

'Quality Mark in Radiology Services

'Promotion of organised activities for breast cancer

in partnership with other actors

'Training of medical professionals and personnel from imaging offices under the framework of FORCOMED and the FMC addressing areas such as the management of breast cancer, radioprotection, quality assurance and department management

'Working on behalf of patients to develop access to new imaging technology such as multi-slice CT

'Training of medical professionals in good practices in imaging, working with the guide developed by the SFR with reference to applying European Directives

'Official recognition of entrepreneur status for those in charge of radiology departments

'Recognition of the central importance of imaging to centralised networks in providing healthcare services for patients


More information on the activities of the FNMR can be found at