• IMAGING Management

    This edition of IMAGING Management focuses on a subject, which is close to the hearts of radiologists all across Europe – teleradiology. There are a myriad of changes and challenges that the introduction of teleradiology has brought, and our cover story addresses this issue from a number of angles. The first, by Prof. Johan Blickman, focuses on how...

  • Relevant Dates

    January 10, 2006: Workshop and Special Arrangements Proposal Deadline March 15, 2006: Abstract Submission Deadline April 5, 2006: Notification of Acceptance May 2, 2006: Camera Ready Paper ' Medmatic@, Vicenza, Italy, September 29 – 30 2006, www.medmatica.it ; ' WCC World Congress of Cardiology 2006, September 2 - 6 in Barcelona,...

  • Call for Abstracts for Forthcoming Conference

    N ina G reve INFO @ CIRSE . ORG WWW . CIRSE . ORG   CIRSE (Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe) has announced a call for abstract submissions for their forthcoming annual society meeting, which will take place September 9-13, 2006 in Rome, Italy. CIRSE...

  • European Union:The Main Decision-Making Body of the EU

    The Key Role of the Council The European Parliament as well as the Council of the European Union were set up by the founding treaties in the 1950s. The Council of the EU is the main decision- making body. It represents the member states, and its meetings are attended by one minister from each of the EU´s national governments.   The Council...

  • Agfa HealthCare Awarded Extensions on Two Contracts

    Agfa HealthCare announced that it has been awarded a two-year extension on two multi-source contracts by the group purchasing division of Premier, Inc., Premier Purchasing Partners, L.P., to provide film and medical imagers to the alliance's nearly 1,500 member hospitals.   With a combined value of approximately $150 million a year, the...

  • Siemens Launch New Radiography System

    Siemens Medical Solutions recently launched Axiom Aristos FX Plus, the new radiography system with integrated flat detector (FD) technology.   The new radiography system covers a wide range of examinations including the head, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and extremities or in the trauma room. Benefits of the new system allow the user to control...

  • New EU Frontiers for Telecardiology

    Author P rof . J ohan G. B lickman C hairman , D ept . of R adiology UMC S t . R adboud , N ijmegen , T he N etherlands J.B LICKMAN @ RAD . UMCN . NL The Golden Rules: Guaranteeing Good Practice The new service environment or...

  • Neuroimaging in Geriatrics

    Author D r . B ob B arber C entre for the Health of The E lderly , N ewcastle G eneral Hospital , N ewcastle Upon T yne , UK R OBERT .B ARBER @ NCL . AC . UK   Currently, neuroimaging can be divided, in broad terms, into structural imaging...

  • Danish Society of Radiology

    Author D r . B irthe H ojlund B ech R adiologisk AfdelIngen X, 3023, R igsHospItalet , K obenhavn FORMAND @ DRS . DK The Danish Society of Radiology has been in operation since 1921, and counts over 500 active members. Approximately every certified radiologist in the...

  • Department of Diagnostic Radiology Copenhagen University Hospital

    Author P rof . H enrik T homson C hair of Diagnostic R adiology C openhagen U niversity H ospital , H erlev , D enmark HETH @ HERLEVHOSP . KBHAMT . DK In this article, I will present one of Copenhagen’s largest and busiest diagnostic radiology...

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