• 24th Annual EuroPACS Conference

    D R . J armo R eponen JARMO . REPONEN @ OULU . FI WWW . EUROPACS . ORG   EuroPACS have announced the 24th edition of their Annual International Conference. The EuroPACS conference, one of the world's largest gatherings of PACS specialists, has also announced their...

  • Priorities of the Austrian and Finish Presidencies

    Author R ory W atson EU C orrespondant RORYWATSON @ SKYNET . BE The Austrian and Finnish governments have already established the priorities for their two Presidencies as they steer European Union business throughout the year. Whether they manage to achieve their objectives will depend not just on...

  • Teleradiology: The Way Forward Defining Our New Role

    Author P rof . I ain M ccall E ditor - in -C hief E I C@ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG Teleradiology is now widely used for the transfer of images, and for providing reports and secondary advice. It has the potential to profoundly change the way radiology is practiced and may well alter not only the...

  • Managing Large-Scale Research Projects

    Author A ad Van Der L ugt , R adiologist , D epartment of Radiology , E rasmus MC, R otterdam , T he Netherlands A . VANDERLUGT @ ERASMUSMC . NL Over fifteen years ago, the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the Erasmus MC University Hospital,...

  • Technology Forecast-Imaging Services

    Contact ECRI E urope W eltech C entre R idgeway , W elwyn G arden City , U nited Kingdom INFO @ ECRI . ORG . UK WWW . ECRI . ORG . UK Medical imaging plays a significant role in the diagnosis and management of disease. Technological developments...

  • Brain Research at Aarhus Pet Centre

    Author P rof . A lbert Gjedde P rofessor of Medical N eurobiology U niversity of   A arhus D enmark ALBERT @ PET . AUH . DK Focus on Pet Research Activities in   Denmark The Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Centre of the Aarhus University Hospital...

  • CARS 2006 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

    June 28 – July 1, 2006, Osaka, Japan Joint Congress of CAR/ISCAS/CMI/CAD WWW.CARS-INT.ORG The International CARS Congress provides a forum to close the gap between diagnostic and interventional radiology, surgery and informatics and t o encourage interdisciplinary research and development activities in an international environment....

  • The British Health System

    A uthor : R uth I vory T itle : M anaging Editor , Imaging M anagement E mail : EDITORIAL @ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG More than 90% of healthcare in Great Britain is provided by the National Health System (NHS). The remaining healthcare provision is from independent practitioners...

  • Imaging Coronary Artery Disease: A Cardiologist’s Perspective

    A uthors : M ichael J. Z ellweger , P eter T. B user T itle : D epartment of C ardiology , U niversity H ospital B asel E mail : MZELLWEGER @ UHBS . CH , BUSERP @ UHBS . CH R eference are Available at EDITORIAL @ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG...

  • EU Constitution Expands Health-Care Role of Union

    A uthor : R ory W atson E mail : RORYWATSON @ SKYNET . BE This article summarises the provisions for health, which will be introduced by the new constitutional treaty, if ratified. It also explains possible reasons for the French ‘no’ vote and how this reasoning is observed in other political...

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