• The Future of Workflow Management in the NHS

    A uthor :  D r G iles M askell T itle : C onsultant R adiologist E mail : GILES . MASKELL @ RCHT . CORNWALL . NHS . UK   A normal day in CT. Several outpatients waiting in the waiting room drinking their oral contrast. Some were given their diagnosis of cancer in a clinic a month...

  • National Tariffs in the NHS

    A uthor :  D r P aul D ubbins T itle : C ons R adiology , P lymouth H ospitals NHS T rust E MAIL : P AUL .D UBBINS @ PHNT . SWEST . NHS . UK   Managing a department of clinical radiology has never been more challenging. There has always been the risk of being reviled...

  • The Royal College of Radiologist

    A uthor :  P rof . J anet H usdand T itle : P resident of the R oyal C ollege of R adiologist E mail : ENQUIRIES @ RCR . AC . UK The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is an independent professional body for radiologists and is separate from the National...

  • Imaging Coronary Artery Diseases

    Have you ever wondered how the same issue looks from different perspectives? Screening for coronary artery disease processes large volumes of images, using skills across different departments. In this issue we look at the challenges in this process from the viewpoint of three key decision-makers: the radiologist; the cardiologist; and the hospital...

  • Imaging of the Heart: Specific Aims

    A uthor :  J ens B remerich , MD T itle : D epartment of   R adiology , U niversity H ospital B asel E mail : JENS . BREMERICH @ UNIBAS . CH R eferences are Available at EDITORIAL @ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG   A hundred years ago fluoroscopy...

  • Imaging Coronary Artery Disease: A Radiologist’s Perspective

    A uthors :  J ens B remerich , MD; G eorg B ongartz , MD T itle : D epartment of R adiology , U niversity H ospital B asel E mail : JENS . BREMERICH @ UNIBAS . CH R eference are Available at EDITORIAL @ IMAGINGMANAGEMENT . ORG  ...

  • Council Still Disagreeing on Working Time Directive

    A uthor :  H elicia H erman T itle : E ditor E uropean A ffairs E mail : EUROPE @ EMCEUROPE . COM The Employment Council meeting in Luxembourg on 2 June 2005 has been unable to reach agreement on the draft working time directive (see IM, issue 2/2005), and no vote...

  • Interview with Peter Arlett: Preparing Legislation in Detail

    I nterviewee :  P eter A rlett T itle : P rincipal A dministrator at the P harmaceuticals U nit , DG E nterprise and I ndustry E MAIL : PETER . ARLETT @ CEC . EU . INT   National or European groups. If the Commission needs to prioritise its...

  • The European Commission

    A uthor : H eliecia H erman T itle : E ditor E uropean A ffairs E mail : EUROPE @ EMCEUROPE . COM   Presenting the EU´s Executive Body and Working The European Commission is the European Union´s executive body and fulfils its day-to-day tasks. Its official seat...

  • Your Relevant Directorate-Generals and Commissioners

    DG Enterprise & Industry Commissioner Günter This DG is responsible for EU policy on: • pharmaceuticals • medical devices • tissue engineering.   Examples of EU legislation in these fields are: • The proposal for a regulation on medicines for children (see also ICU Management Summer 2005) • A regulatory framework...

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