• AGFA-Gevaert

    A gfa G evaert J eff L ewis , A gfa M edia R elations JEFF . LEWIS @ AGFA . COM WWW . AGFAPRESS . COM   Agfa-Gevaert Acquires GWI Agfa-Gevaert has announced that following regulatory approval from the German and Austrian anti-trust authorities the acquisition of GWI was closed...

  • Siemens

    A nja Sussner, PR M anager WWW . MEDICAL . SIEMENS . COM   Planning Software for Particle Therapy with Protons The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Siemens Medical Solutions recently signed a cooperative as well as licensing agreement for software to be used for the planning of particle therapy with protons....

  • MISYS Healthcare Systems

    M isys  H ealthcare  S ystems Author M arie M claughlin MARIE . MCLAUGHLIN @ MISYSHEALTHCARE . COM   Misys Healthcare Systems, CoPathPlus Product University College London Hospitals (UCLH) NHS Foundation Trust has selected CoPathPlus® from Misys as its anatomic pathology information system...

  • Why is MIR (Management in Radiology) Such an Important Annual Conference?

    Author D r N icola H S trickland, BM, BC H , MA H ONS (O XON ), FRCP, FRCR C onsultant R adiologist H ammersmith H ospitals T rust D u C ane R oad, L ondon , W12 OHS   The reason is because productivity is the name...

  • An Open Letter From the European Society of Cardiology IHE Project Group

    Dear IHE-Cardiology Community,   As announced previously, the ESC is planning to perform an IHE-cardiology demonstration during the next meeting to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, between the 3 rd and the 7th of September 2005. During this symposium, three cardiology integration profiles (Cardiac Catheterization Workflow, Echocardiography...

  • The Fifth European IHE Connectathon will Take Place in Noordwijkerhout in the Netherlands

    This event follows the IHE 2004 Connectathon in Padova where 46 vendors participated with 78 systems that performed more than 550 tests on 14 IHE integration profiles.   Connectathon The Connectathon facilitates the implementation of standards-based integration by the healthcare information systems and imaging equipment industry....

  • A Method for Quantitative Characterisation of Artefacts Caused by Urinary Excretion of 18F-FDG

    Authors Bach-Gansmo T1, Seierstad T2, Bogsrud TV1, Aas M1, Skretting A2 Departments of nuclear medicine1 and medical physics and technology 2. The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway   Introduction The presence of large quantities of 18F-FDG in the urinary bladder as well as changes in activity and volume over...

  • Nuclear Medicine; Cellular Homing and Traffic

    Author D r . D idier B locklet   Cellular and molecular therapy is one of the fastest growing fields of original clinical research. Pinpointing the traffic and homing of cellular compounds following administration is proving to be of immense importance, as these substances generally target specific organs where they have...

  • The Challenges that Face Radiology and Medical Imaging in Belgium

    Author D r l gnace B oelaert R adiologst O nze L ieve V rouwziekenhuis M oorselbaan 164 9300 AALST, B elgium I GNACE .B OELAERT @ OLVZ - AALST . BE   In this, the introduction to the Country Focus, I have tried to summarize how medical imaging...

  • Extramural Radiology in Belgium

    Author D r K arl M erckx R adiologist H ikstraat 43, 2200 H erentals B elgium K.M ERCKX @ PANDORA . BE   Introduction Along with its neighbours France and Germany, Belgium has a long tradition of organising radiology facilities outside of hospital radiology departments....

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