• MIR Congress 2006: Key Insights into Good Management Practices

    Leading us into 2007, IMAGING Management’s first issue of the year aims to confirm once more, the absolute necessity of good management practices in the field of healthcare ... Read more

  • Submission Deadline for CIRSE 2007 Abstracts Announced

    All abstracts for papers or posters to be presented at CIRSE 2007 must be submitted by February 12, 2007 at the very latest in order to be considered by the Scientific Programme Committee. Submitters may indicate their preference regarding the presentation type. There is a two-step submission process. Step one is to submit scientific abstracts via...

  • The Overview of the European Economic and Social Committee

    Increasing Involvement in the EUIlze Raath Editor European Affairs [email protected] The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 to unite different economic interest groups to establis... Read more

  • AO Medical Signs Agreement with Planilux

    AO Medical Products AB, has signed an agreement with the manufacturing company Gerätebau Felix Schulte in Germany, known as Planilux. The cooperation is regarding sales and distribution of Carl’s Table, AO Medical’s ergodynamic PACS reading station, from Jan 1st, 2007. Planilux is a manufacturer of analogue film viewing equipment.  ...

  • Onex Healthcare to Acquire Kodak Health Group

    Onex and Kodak have announced that Onex Healthcare Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary of Onex Corporation, has entered into an agreement to acquire Kodak’s Health Group. Onex will acquire Kodak’s Health Group in a transaction initially valued at approximately $2.35 billion in cash. The deal is subject to customary regulatory approvals and closing is anticipated...

  • Clinical Images and the Electronic Patient Record:The Best Way to Integrate Images

    Author L iz B eckmann M anaging Director L anmark M edical B eaconsfeild , UK LIZBECKMANN @ LANMARKMEDICAL . CO . UK Since the introduction of the Electronic Patient Record (EPR), there has been significant debate about the best way to integrate images. Initially, there was discussion...

  • Recognition and Management of Contrast Media Extravasation:

    How Europe can Learn from the Australian Experience Authors D r W. S um D r L.J. R idley D epartment of D iagnostic R adiology C oncord R epatriation G eneral H ospital S ydney , N ew S outh W ales , A ustralia...

  • Annual JFR Congress Review

    As well as a scientific congress and technical exhibit, the 2006 edition of the ‘Journées Françaises de Radiologie’ (JFR) meeting, welcomed radiologists, physicians, technologists, industrial and all other healthcare professionals. As with each year, the JFR assembled numerous French and French-speaking radiologists, actors and industry representatives...

  • RSNA Congress Review

    The 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) saw attendance increased by three percent from last year. The congress included 1,625 scientific papers in 17 subspecialties, more than 300 refresher courses, 1,428 education exhibits and 638 scientific posters. 738 technical exhibits occupied 514,800 square...

  • Blending Biomedical Imaging on Living Subjects with Fossil Imaging:The Dmanisi Projects

    Interviewee P rof . D r C hristoph P.E. Z ollikofer A nthropologisches I nstitut Und M useum U niversitaet Z uerich -I rchel Z urich , S witzerland ZOLLI @ AIM . UNIZH . CH How did you come to be involved in the Dmanisi research project?...

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