• Integrating Patient Care Devices with Information Technology

    The escalating number of medical devices designed with software-based features presents new challenges for hospitals and healthcare systems. To ensure patient safety and optimal performance, clinicians and hospital staff must prepare for this integration of information technology into a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic devices. During a recent...

  • Deadline for Submission Approaches

    Submissions for presenters at the forthcoming CARS 2007 21st International Congress and Exhibition will be accepted until Jan. 10, 2007. Chaired by Prof. Stanley Baum and co-Chaired by Prof. Bernd Hamm, this year’s 21st edition takes places in Berlin, Germany. Likely programme topics will include: • Computer Assisted Cardiovascular Imaging...

  • Philips Introduce New MR Simulator and CT Applications

    Philips has introduced new MR simulator and CT applications to help increase department efficiency and provide valuable information during radiation oncology treatment planning. Recognising that console time is at a premium in busy imaging centres, Philips is announcing the availability of its Tumour LOC application on the workstation. The company...

  • Shimadzu Introduce New Ultrasound Systems

    Shimadzu, worldwide manufacturer of diagnostic imaging equipment, has introduced its latest generation of ultrasound systems. The fully digital platform of the SDU- 1200 PRO and SDU-2200 PRO colour doppler series, features advanced operating modes and performance characteristics. Both instruments are suitable for hospital use as well as private medical...

  • Sectra Launches Next Generation Management Tool

    Sectra is releasing a new, enhanced version of its advanced tool for optimising workflow and resource utilisation in radiology departments. Sectra’s management tool, Sectra Control Tower, provides department managers full control and overview of current production statistics as well as historical data used for trend analysis. Sectra Control Tower...

  • Challenges for Research in Radiology:Research Management in an Academic Radiology Department

    Author P rof . G abriel P. K restin C hairman D epartment of   R adiology E rasmus University M edical C entre R otterdam T he N etherlands Research is essential in the field of radiology, for many different reasons. Not only is it a crucial...

  • Metaradiology: A New Specialty for Chairmen of Large Academic Departments

    Author P rof . J arl J akobsen C hairman C entre for Imaging and I nterventions R iksHospitalet R adiumHospital HF O slo , N orway JARL . JAKOBSEN @ RIKSHOSPITALET . NO For many decades now, radiologists have been urged to forward the progress of radiology...

  • CAD for Mammography and MR Mammography: What are the Pros and Cons

    Author P rof . A nsagar M alich H ead of Divison D epartment of D iagnostic R adiology S uedharz -H ospital N ordhausen N ordhausen , G ermany ANSGAR . MALICH @ SHK - NDH . DE CAD technology is widely used in radiology, to analyse breast...

  • Education and Training in Radiology:The Experience in Italy

    Author P rof . D avide C aramella A ssociate Professor of R adiology D epartment of Diagnostic and I nterventional Radiology University of P isa P isa , I taly CARAMELLA @ MED . UNIPI . IT   In Italy, there are thirty-eight universities...

  • Italian Society of Medical Radiology: Presentation of its History and Activities

    Author P rof . P almino S acco P oliclinic ‘L e S cotte ’ S iena , I taly PSACCO @ SIRM . ORG Founded in 1913, the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM) is a scientific association of which its membership includes the majority of Italian radiologists, counting...

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