• Europe

    Ministers Agree on Working Time Directive The latest Slovenian Presidency can be proud of its success in finding an agreement within theMinisters Council after three years of debate on the reformof the working time directive.   Under the newly found deal, workers are limited to a weeklymaximumof 48 hours, but the social partners are...

  • EU Affairs

    Towards a Real European EHealth Area Eur opean Union governments have set themselves a triple target as they try to promote the use of the latest technological developments to help tackle the health challenges in the years ahead.   Firstly, they are looking to make greater use of telemedicine and innovative information and...

  • News Members

    France Commission Report on Hospital Missions In April, Gérard Larcher and the 22 other members of the commission appointed by the President turned in their final report. Their work started six months before and their task revolved around a formulation of hospital missions. 16 proposals have been articulated in order to better organise...

  • Management of Medical Multimedia Data

    Di gital production of medical data in almost all medical institutionsis increasing exponentially (Geneva UniversityHospitals’ radiology produced on average 12,000 images per day in 2004, 40,000 in 2006, and over 70,000 in 2007). These data are an integral part of aiding diagnosis and treatment planning.   At the same time as data...

  • Rationalisation or Rationing, a Way Out of the Crisis?

    On e third of hospitals operating ataloss”.Thus ran the headline of a recent news item by the German Press Agency. The 2007 GermanHospitalBarometer survey of German hospitals has again highlighted that hospitals continue to wrestle with economic problems.   However, closer scrutiny of the economic situation...

  • The Experimental OR - An Opportunity for Manufacturers, Surgeons and Users

    Operating rooms – ORs - show deficits in a wide range of areas. As a workplace, they do not meet today’s ergonomic standards. In economic terms, they offer potential to exploit substantial additional resources. Moreover, interaction between the different medical-technical centres, facilities management and work processes could be improved.  ...

  • The French Healthcare and Hospital System

    Social Protection System The social protection system created in 1945 aimed primarily at workers and their families. The expansion of health insurance coverage was implemented in stages during the 1960s. The Universal Health Coverage Act (CMU) concluded this process in 1999 by establishing universal health coverage.   Today, three...

  • Executive Summaries

    Gestion des Données Médicales Multimédias Par Henning Müller, David Bandon et Antoine Geissbuhler La production digitale de données médicales augmente de façon exponentielle dans presque tous les établissements de santé. Ces données font partie intégrante de l’aide au diagnostic et de la planification thérapeutique.   Le dossier patient...

  • EKVD News

    EVKD Psychiatrie Symposium in Berlin Am 27./28. März hat die Arbeitsgruppe Psychiatrie der Europäischen Vereinigung der Krankenhausdirektoren Manager aus der Psychiatrieversorgung nach Berlin einge laden, um das zweite grenzüberschreitende Sym - posium „Wie die Effizienz der Psychiatrie gesteigert wird” abzuhalten.   Die Organisation des...

  • Editorial

    Gemeinsame Visinon Seit ihrer Gründung in 1972 hat die Europäische Vereinigung der Krankenhausdirektoren (EVKD) das Ziel gehabt, an der Spitze der Entwicklungen im europäischen Krankenhausbereich zu sein und den Austausch zwischen den Mitglieds - ländern zu fördern. In diesem Sinne hat die EVKD während der technologischen Entwicklungen,...

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