• Lessons of a Crisis

    The editorial in the April edition of Hospital posed a question about greater competition in the provision of healthcare services. While 600 delegates were gathering for the 22nd EAHM Congress in Graz to discuss the issue of leadership against the background of new challenges, the worldwide media was reporting on the collapse of the entire financial...

  • 38th General Assembly of EAHM

    The 38th General Assembly of our association, the EAHM, focused mainly on two topics: the amendments of EAHM Statutes and the report on activities.   Activity Report Being half way through the term of the current Board and Executive Committee, a report on the activities was given by the EAHM President, Mr. Paul Castel.  ...

  • EU News

    “Europe for Patients” Initiative At the end of September, Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou launched the “Europe for Patients’ campaign in Brus sels. This campaign outlines the future health policy the Com mission intends to adopt in the following 6-9 months. The aim of this campaign is to provide “a tangible and readily understandable communication...

  • EU Affairs

    National   Discrepancies in Cancer Treatment The European Union should attach greater importance and recognition to medical oncology. That way specialists can improve their performance in multidisciplinary teams, move easily to areas where there is a shortage of suitably trained staff and help can cer patients receive the treatment they require....

  • Leadership Meets Patients

    One of the major differences between a hospital and most other corporate entities is that its customer is a patient. The last decade has seen a logical return to patient- centered healthcare; many structures and projects have thus highlighted the pivotal importance of managing efficiency and quality of care.   The effects of the behaviour...

  • Leadership Meets Employees

    Leadership is also about preventing high techno logy, cost pressures and even, to some extent, patient-centered care from affecting and demotivating the most precious resource of a hospital, namely its staff. Only healthy and content employees can fulfill their task of making the patient their priority.   Management, fuzzy logic and new...

  • Leadership Meets Leaders

    The old saying goes: people don’t leave a company, they leave a supervisor. In this era of scarce professional staff, it is essential for hospital managers to look into what makes their employees tick and what motivates themand to modulate their approach according to the type of indivi duals they supervise. It is definitely the best way to maintain...

  • Executive Summaries

    Cérémonie d’Ouverture du 22ème Congrès de l’AEDH Plus de 600 gestionnaires hospitaliers ont pris place dans la somptueuse grande salle du centre de congrès de Graz pour le 22ème Congrès de l’AEDH, inti - tulé: «un leadership nouveau pour de nouveaux défis».   Nikolaus Koller, Président de l’Association des Directeurs d’Hôpitaux de...

  • Editorial

    Lektionen Einer Krise In der April-Ausgabe von Hospital behandelten wir an dieser Stelle die Frage des Marktwettbewerbs in der Gesundheitsversorgung. Während über 600 Teilnehmer beim 22. EVKD-Kongress in Graz Führungsfragen der Krankenhäuser vor dem Hintergrund neuer Herausforderungen diskutierten, berichteten die Medien weltweit über den Kollaps...

  • EKVD News

    38. EVKD General Versammlung Die 38. Generalversammlung der EVKD war vor allem auf zwei Hauptpunkte ausgerichtet: den Veränderungen der EVKD-Statuten und dem Tätigkeitsbericht.   Der Tätigkeitsbericht Zur Halbzeitbilanz des derzeitigen Präsidiums und Gremiums stellte Präsident Paul Castel einen Tätigkeitsbericht vor.  ...

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