• Patient Safety and E-Health

    Since the publication in 1999 of arguably the most important call to action for patient safety, the Institute of Medicine’s report ‘To Err is Human’, we have learnt a lot about how to reduce risk in healthcare and how to improve patient safety. Technology clearly has an important role to play but we know that it can also bring increased risks which...

  • Falling Numbers of Health Workers: Facing the Crisis

    In many European countries, health service managers are facing increasing problems of staff attraction and retention. Especially in the nursing health workforce, turnover rates are high, vacancies remain open and the resulting staff deficits lead to increased workload, burnout and reduce staff commitment.   During the last decade, several...

  • The Association of Hospital Managers Physicians

    Founded in 1991, the Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania grew significantly during its first decade of existence: its membership extended not only to the managers of healthcare facilities, but also to other people working in the field of healthcare establishments. In 2004 the Association evolved: it updated its charter, structured...

  • Recent Challenges in Lithuanian Hospital Activities

    Since restoration of Lithuania’s independence in 1990, the most significant changes in the country’s health system have taken place in the area of inpatient treatment. Lithuania inherited an expensive model from the Soviet Semashko system; a system in need of refocusing on the market model by a gradual reduction of inpatient beds and hospital network....

  • Editorial

    Le System De Sante Francais En Pleine Mutation A l’instar de ses voisins européens, le système de santé français est confronté depuis plusieurs années à des problématiques lourdes. Celles-ci se manifestent certes selon des forms différentes, mais ont toutes les mêmes origin... Read more

  • Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health

    Last December, the European Commission adopted a green paper on the EU workforce for health. This marks the beginning of a consultation period which aims to identify common responses to the many challenges facing the health workforce in Europe. A high quality health workforce is crucial for successful health systems. The health workforce plays an...

  • EU Crossborder Health Directive

    During the month of December, EU health ministers met in Brussels in order to discuss the crossborder health directive. They focused their discussion on the first three chapters of the draft directive. While some progress has been made since the tabling of the draft directive, some health ministers have shown restraint and have proven divided on its...

  • Work Programme of the Czech Presidency

    (1 January – 30 June 2009) As of 1 January the Czech Republic has taken over the Presidency of the EU and has announced their “work-plan” for the upcoming months.   In the sphere of employment, the Czech Republic has announced that “worker mobility within the EU” is one of their top priorities. They believe “restrictions...

  • National News

    Population Growth – A Challenge Latest News from the Association of Hospital Managers of Vienna Population growth and the consequent challenges for the healthcare sector was the aptly chosen theme of the Seventh Training Conference for Hospital Managers held in Vienna in November 2008.   The proportion of the population aged...

  • EU Affairs

    Czech EU Presidency The biggest challenge facing the Czech government during its European presidency over the next six months will be to secure agreement on new legislation to update existing European working time rules. Prague, with the help of the European Commission, has just three months to end the stand off between national governments...

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