• EU Affairs

    Author: Rory Watson The Future of the Working Time and the Crossborder Healthcare Directives Eu ropean Union governments may have reached a political agreement on the implications of future working time rules on hospital employees, but the draft legislation still faces a bumpy ride before reaching the statute...

  • News Members

    United Kingdom NHS Booking System Failing Patients The new NHS computerized booking system is failing to provide the promised level of choice of appointment times, dates and locations, according to a study. The first ever survey of pa tients who had used the Choose and Book system found that 66% of those asked were not given a choice of...

  • Healthcare and Competition Between Hospitals in Europe:Is Privatisation the Answer?

    An Interview with EAHM Secretary General Willy Heuschen Mr. Heuschen, Why is it Timely to Reflect on the Developments on the Healthcare Market? WH: Rulings of the European Court of Justice in these last years have served to underline the point that member states health systems, and in particular the delivery of healthcare, do...

  • The Responsible Use of Limited Resources in Hospitals:The METAP Ethical Project

    Authors: Prof. Dr.   Stella Reiter-Theil, area of studies: medical and health ethics,  Faculty of Medicine/University Hospital Basel, Switzerland   Dr.   Barbara Meyer-Zehnder, area of studies: medical and health ethics,  Faculty of Medicine/University...

  • Genetic Variation: In the Critical Care Setting

    Authors: Bonny Lewis Bukaveckas,   PhD, FACB – Department of Pharmacy and of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA Pharmacogenetics has made significant progress in recent years. Advances in pharmacogenetics and information technology will benefit critical...

  • The UK Health and Hospital System

      Author: Andrew Corbett-Nolan  FRSM FCQI MHSM, Chair, Institute of Healthcare Management, United Kingdom       Email: [email protected]       The United Kingdom (UK) is comprised of En gland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is situated within the British Isles. A constitutional monarchy...

  • The Institute of Healthcare Management

    Author: Susan Hodgetts,   MIHM MBA BEd  Med  Chief Executive of the Institute of Healthcare Management, United Kingdom Email:  [email protected] During 1902, a number of senior hospital officers felt there was a need for an institution to meet the support needs...

  • Editorial

    Effektivitatsverbesserung Der Wandel in unseren Gesellschaften setzt sich unaufhaltsam fort. Alle Lebensbereiche sind davon betroffen. Dies gilt besonders für den Bereich der Gesundheitsversorgung. Die Ursachen für die Veränderungen wie auch die Merkmale des Wandels sind vieldimensional. Demografie, Medizinischer Fortschritt, und die Erwartungshaltung...

  • EVKD News

    Das Gesundheits- Und Krankenhauswesen in Europa Voranbringen Aus Anlass der französischen EU-Präsidentschaft appelliert die EVKD, das Gesundheits- und Krankenhauswesen in Europa weiterzuentwickeln.   Evaluierung von Qualität und Sicherheit  Krankenhäuser in Europa sehen sich mit Herausforderungen wie der steigenden...

  • Executive Summaries

    Gesundheitswesen Und Wettbewerb Bei Krankenhäusern in Europa: Ein Interview mit EVKD Generalsekretär  Willy Heuschen Laut Willy Heuschen sind weitere Privatisierungen bei Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen zu erwarten. Die Anzahl von öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaften wird sich wahrscheinlich erhöhen. Er...

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