• How to Create Value in the Dynamic Health Care Environment

    In the changing European healthcare landscape, organisations are redefining their strategies and businessmodels. Nine trends are common in this transition, and these should be taken into account when organizations align their business models to their new strategies on the cost-quality frontier. Privatisation can be used to fuel this evolution....

  • Editorial

    Visions Communes Depuis sa création en 1972, l’Association Européenne des Directeurs d’Hôpitaux a eu pour objectif et pour mission centrale d’être à la pointe des évolutions du monde hospitalier européen et de favoriser les échanges entre les pays membres. C’est ainsi qu’au gré des evolutions technologiques, managériales, mais aussi des...

  • Prospects to Outsourcing of Healthcare Services and Processes

    The importance of good quality metrics By Petri Parvinen and Olli Tolkki Outsourcing is a hot topic in public healthcare related discussions, covering a number of different aspects: economic, political, quality, and productivity, among others. However, it should be noted that outsourcing does not mean the privatisation of an entire system so...

  • News Members

    France «CHU, Hôpital de Tous Les Défis» (University hospital, facing all challenges ) In 2008, all French university hospitals will celebrate their fifty years of existence. Medical reforms by Robert Debré and the crea tion of university hospitals in 1958 have given a major impulse to the modernisation of French medicine and medical research....

  • Trends in European Hospital Management: Results of the Survey of European Hospital Managers

    Author: Dr. Carsten Frank Hutt This is the second part of the analysis of the study “Trends in European Hospital Management”. As you know, this study is the result of a collaboration between E-Hospital and Emergent Actio.   The first part dealt with the interpretation of answers to questions on the size of a hospital vis-a-vis...

  • Globalization in Medicine: Who Wins, Who Loses?

    Author: Prof. Dr. med . Ottmar Leiß Internist and Gastroenterologist Gastroenterologische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Mainz, Germany Email: [email protected] According to the philosopher Odo Marquard (1), “The dominant trend of modern global change is towards uniformity. Distinctions are being neutralised. It is only through this process that the...

  • Developing A Rapid Assessment Clinic for Older People: Innovations in Practice

    Author: Sister Arlene Wellman, RACOP, Royal Berkshire and Battle Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom Email: [email protected] The Royal Berkshire and Battle Hospitals NHS Trust was originally based across two geographical sites and was consolidated onto one site in 2005.   The Elderly...

  • MRSA Management: A Cost Efficiency Problem in Crossborder Hospitals?

    Authors: Dr. E. Nulens, Medical Microbiology, Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint-Jan, Brugge, Belgium Dr. Ellen Stobberingh , Medical Microbiology, University Hospital Maastricht, the Netherlands Email: [email protected] There is a great variation in prevalence of Meticillinresistant Staphylococcus Aureus...

  • EVKD News

    Wissenschaftlicher Beirat – Sitzung in Brüssel In seiner letzten Sitzung am 7. März 2008 in Brüssel hat der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der EVKD ein neues Mitglied begrüßt: Herr José Manuel Aldamiz Echevarria, Spanien, übernimmt den Platz seines Landsmanns Herrn Manel Peiro. Die EVKD freut sich über diesen Neuzugang, hat aber auch die Gelegenheit...

  • Executive Summaries

    Globalisierung in der Medizin – Wem Nützt, Wem Schadet Sie? Von Prof. Dr. Ottmar Leiß Rationalisierung, Vereinheitlichung und Technisierung begünstigen die Krankenhaus-Transformation vom Hospital in ein Medizinisches Leistungszentrum. Vom Standpunkt des Patienten hat der Fortschritt viel Gutes gebracht. Die Versachlichung der ärztlichen...

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