• French Healthcare System Undergoes a Transformation

    As with our European neighbours, the French health system has been facing serious challenges for several years. Naturally, these have taken a variety of forms, but they all have the same origins: the increasing scarcity of medical human resources, a very high increase in health expenditure coupled with large budgetary cons traints, and the difficulty...

  • Outsourcing in Hospitals

    For many reasons, it often makes greater sense to have certain hospital functions performed externally rather than leaving these tasks to the hospital itself. Such reasons include greater flexibility, the ability to draw upon professional know-how, the effects of synergies or cooperations, or the adoption of different compensation systems. Furthermore,...

  • Modification of Working Hours of Nursing Staff in Oncological Surgery

    The Gustav Roussy Institute, the first European centre of cancerology, is situated in the south of Paris, in the Villejuif district. Its four hundred beds are divided between different sectors of medicine: paediatrics, general and cervico facial surgery. The “Tarn” unit, affected by the time table change, is situated in general surgery. This sector...

  • Editorial

    Der Wandel IM Gesundheitssystem in Frankreich Das Gesundheitswesen in Frankreich ist, wie bei den europäischen Nachbarn, seit mehreren Jahren mit erheblichen Probleme konfrontiert. Diese äußern sich zwar in verschiedenen Formen, haben aber alle dieselben Ursprünge: Verknappung medi... Read more

  • European Commission’s Communication and Recommendation on Patient Safety

    Each year in the EU between 8% and 12% of patients admitted to hospitals suffer harm from the healthcare they receive, including from healthcare associated infections. Much of that harm is preventable. Therefore, last December the European Commission adopted a communication and a proposal for a Council recommendation with specific actions that member...

  • EHCI Rates the Netherlands as “Best Healthcare System in Europe”

    In November, the 2008 edition of the annual Euro Health Consumer Index came out with its facts and figures for the year. This publication, which comprises 34 indicators of quality, ranked the Dutch healthcare system as “the best” in Europe.   The overall ranking was divided into six categories: e-health, patient rights, patient information,...

  • AEDH News

    Une Dèlègation Danoise En Visite à Bruxelles L’année dernière, notre organisationsoeur, la Dansk Selskab For Ledelse I Sundhedsvæsenet a décidé de créer un sous-comité international. L’objectif était de promouvoir l’échange de connaissances et d’expériences avec la c... Read more

  • Executive Summaries

    Investissement en e-Santé Par Alexander Dobrev, Tom Jones et Karl A. Stroetmann L’étude récente, intitulée Financing eHealth, fournit une guidance générale aux investisseurs potentiels en e-santé afin de les soutenir dans leur processus décisionnel. La leçon principale en ce qui concerne les modèles à adopter est d’inté grer les...

  • Leadership Meets Ethics

    Ethics is one of the first concepts that comes to mind when one evokes leadership.   This session demystifies the notion of ethics and proves that ethics contributes to good governance but also to economic success.   Furthermore, ethical leaders are the ones who can truly motivate their staff.   CON-GORAL GUIDANCEon...

  • Editorial

    Les Lecons D’une Crise Dans le numéro d’avril d’Hospital nous évoquions la question de l’intensification de la concurrence dans le monde des soins de santé. Tandis que plus de 600 participants débattaient des défis du leadership hospitalier pendant le 22ème Congrès de l’AEDH à Graz, les medias se faisaient l’écho de l’ef fondrement du système...

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