Each year in the EU between 8% and 12% of patients admitted to hospitals suffer harm from the healthcare they receive, including from healthcare associated infections. Much of that harm is preventable. Therefore, last December the European Commission adopted a communication and a proposal for a Council recommendation with specific actions that member states can take, either individually, collectively or with the Commission, to improve the safety of patients.


The Commission held a public consultation earlier last year, the results of which have informed the current proposal. This follows an earlier consultation on the specific threat to patient safety posed by healthcare associated infections. Working groups representing member states and key stakeholder groups, including health professionals and patients, have also contributed to discussions.


The Commission has already taken individual initiatives in the past, such as addressing certain aspects of patient safety in community legislation, or fostering research and collaboration on patient safety by community co-funded projects. With this communication and the accompanying proposal for a Council recommendation, the Commission aims to put in place an integrated approach to patient safety.
