• News from the European Association of Hospital Managers

    Hospital Governance The economic crisis and several scandals have recently increased the public’s interest in corporate governance. In healthcare, governance has long been a crucial element in the organisation and management of hospitals. Given the evolution... Read more

  • Innovation IT Solutions for Asset Management

    Asset management and control is an enduring challenge for all hospitals. The scope and scale of hospital ‘assets’ is both vast and heterogeneous. Nevertheless IT has been increasingly deployed, often in imaginative ways, to meet such challenges. This article provides a working example of asset management: the control of an expensive product found...

  • Améliorer l’Hygiène Hospitalière par la Conception de l’Environnement

    Par Xiaobo Quan Il est de plus en plus clairement prouvé que l’architecture hospitalière a un effet direct sur la propreté de l’environnement hospitalier et contribue donc de façon significative à la réduction des infections nosocomiales.   Les recommandations concernant une conception de l’environnement destinée à améliorer l’hygiène...

  • Kosteneffektive Infektionskontrolle: Ein Drei-Zangen-Ansatz

    Von Ellen E. Stobberingh, Ed E.J. Smeets und Frank H. van Tiel Im Krankenhaus erworbene Infektionen sind ein globales Problem, das zu erhöhter nosokomialer Morbidität und sogar Mortalität führt, und die finanzielle Belastung für sowohl das Krankenhaus als auch die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen verschärft. Zur erfolgreichen, kosteneffektiven...

  • Fokus Auf Die Türkei

    Die Türkei wandelt derzeit ihr Gesundheitssystem mithilfe des regierungseigenen ‚Health Transformation Programme’ um. Das Programm (HTP) umfasst acht Themen: das Gesundheitsministerium als Plan- und Kontrollautorität neu zu strukturieren; alle Bürger innerhalb eines einzigen Sozialversicherungsinstituts zusammenzufassen; den Zugang zur Gesundheitssorge...

  • Luxembourg

    Evaluation Survey of Dependent People Living in Healthcare Institutions The Centre for Health Studies in Luxembourg has been asked by the Ministry of Social Security to carry out an evaluation survey about the satisfaction of dependent people living in healthcare and long stay institutions in Luxembourg.   A convention was signed between...

  • The Political Fight Against TB

    Political pressure is growing on the European Union and national governments to increase resources in the fight against tuberculosis as new research reveals that 55 people are diagnosed with the disease every hour in Europe.   A cross-party group of members of the European Parliament has tabled a written declaration calling on the European...

  • Draft Directive on Cross-Border Healthcare Adopted

    Parliament has approved plans to give Europeans the right to seek healthcare abroad more easily and for the costs to be reimbursed. The draft report on cross-border healthcare by John Bowis was adopted by 297 votes to 120 with 152 abstentions.   The aim of the draft directive is to remove the obstacles for patients seeking treatment in another...

  • News Europe

    Healthcare Associated Infections Cost Europe 5.5 Billion Euros per year A round table on patient safety and healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) organised by Health First Europe and cohosted by MEPs Liz Lynne and Amalia Sartori revealed the extent of the burden of HCAIs on Europe’s healthcare systems.   The European Centre for...

  • EU Affairs

    The Political Fight Against TB Political pressure is growing on the European Union and national governments to increase resources in the fight against tuberculosis as new research reveals that 55 people are diagnosed with the disease every hour in Europe.   A cross-party group of members of the European Parliament has tabled...

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