• Strategies to Weather the Recession

    The economic recession that began in December 2007 has challenged U.S. hospitals on nearly every level. Revenue has dropped as patients forgo elective procedures and those with high insurance deductibles struggle to pay their portion of the bill. Access to capital has diminished while investment losses have depressed balance sheets and further reduced...

  • Irish Healthcare and the Recession

    Ireland has been commonly regarded as one of the countries hardest hit by the recession. Is the situation really as bleak as everyone is making out? (E)Hospital spoke to someone from the Irish healthcare workforce who preferred to remain anonymous in order to give as frank an account as possible- surely this is an indication of testing times for Irish...

  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis:What Every Manager Needs to Know

    Author Silvia Ondategui-Parra, MD, MPH, MSc Associate Hospital Director Teknon Medical Center Barcelona, Spain [email protected] also: Adjunct Assistant Professor Boston University School of Medicine Boston, US A The fundamental principle of economic analysis is that choices have to be made between alternative uses...

  • Part-Patient Admissions Prediction Rules

    Evidence-based research demonstrates that overcrowding in emergency departments causes ambulance diversion, increased hospital lengths of stay, medical errors, increased patient mortality, financial losses to hospital and physician, and medical negligence claims. Many hospitals still do not anticipate and prepare for the next day’s volume...

  • The Italian Healthcare System

    The Italian National Health Service (INHS) was established in 1978 to grant universal access to a uniform level of care throughout Italy, financed by general taxation.   The INHS provides universal coverage and free healthcare at point of delivery to all Italian and European Union citizens. In spite of this, there are considerable variations...

  • Recent Developments in the Italian Healthcare System a Look from Different Perspectives

    The Italian healthcare system is changing. Like most other European countries, the system is suffering from a lack of resources. Italy is also experiencing the regionalisation of healthcare management, which in turn brings its own problems. Focus is shifting from inpatient towards primary care and cost rationalisation is fast becoming a new trend....

  • Executive Summaries

    Strategien, um die Rezession zu überstehen Von Richard L. Gundling Die wirtschaftliche Rezession hat die US-Amerikanischen und europäischen Krankenhäuser auf nahezu jeder Ebene gefordert – und doch bleiben viele Finanzdirektoren der Spitäler standfest, im Wissen, dass die Schritte, die sie heute zur Kostensenkung, Gewinnmaximierung...

  • EKVD News

    “Hin Zu Einer Ausgewogenen Kooperation Zwischen Öffentlichen Und Privaten Akteuren“ Die European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) lädt zur Teilnahme ihres aktuellsten Seminars, wel - ches am 20. November 2009 in Düsseldorf stattfindet.   Kontext und Sinn dieses Seminars In den meisten europäischen Ländern hat sich ein...

  • News from the European Association of Hospital Managers

    The Microbial Threat to Patient Safety in Europe The spread of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics is challenging healthcare. Antibiotics are losing their clinical effectiveness at a much faster pace than could have been predicted even five years ago. This has serious consequences ... Read more

  • Facility Management Cost in the OR-a Process Model

    Through the implementation of the German Diagnosis Related Grouping (DRG) system and the resulting cost pressure, the need for optimised use and operation of the spatial resources in hospitals is growing. The link between primary processes and facility management services however, appears to be missing. In the framework of the research project OPIK...

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