• Action Clean Hands

    The Action Clean Hands campaign has set itself the goal to establish hand disinfection as a focus for enhancing the quality and safety of patient care in hospitals in Germany by the year 2010. This issue has become even more important with the current spread of influenza. As part of the campaign, a workshop on hospital hygiene was organised on...

  • System Partnerships for Successful Hospitals

    Hospitals in Europe are under a constant challenge to improve their quality, efficiency and efficacy. This is a significant pre-condition not only for economic success but also for the fulfillment of their contract with society. This demand is compounded by the demographic changes of our national economies and also by medical advancements, ultimately leading...

  • AEDH News

    L’AEDH était fier de collaborer avecLe but de ce groupe est d'explorer davantage les opportunités et les possibilities l'« European Association of Healthcare IT Managers » pour l'organisation des   IT @ Networking Awards 2009 (IT@2009) qui ont eu lieu les 29 et 30 Octobre 2009 à Bruxelles. IT@2009 est un événement novateur ayant pour objectif d'apporter...

  • Executive Summaries

    Un Projet De Bons Mis En Place Dans Un Système Public D'Assurance Maladie   Par Marek Pavlík et Zuzana Darmopilová Les marchés de la santé sont traditionnellement perçus comme des domaines caractérisés par une réglementation publique « rationalisée » : l'offre et la demande peuvent en être réglementés. Les systèmes de chèques ou bons...

  • National News

    UK New Technical Guidance Website for Providers of Healthcare Facilities The new website ‘Space for Health’, linked to the Department of Health’s website, brings together a whole suite of guidance (including Health Technical Memoranda, Health Building Notes and other information) into one online resource for all those involved in the procurement,...

  • Our Hospitals and the Crisis

    The future of health establishments is one of the overriding preoccupations on the minds of all European citizens. This issue transcends the differences in models of care organisation throughout Europe. For many it is astonishing to realise that this question was almost completely ignored in the recent debates preceding the European Parliamentary...

  • EAHM

    The European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) invites you to attend their latest seminar, which takes place in Düsseldorf, Germany on November 20th 2009. The Context and Purpose of the Seminar Most countries in Europe have evolved to a mixed system with 2 or 3 types of hospitals: Public, private not-for profit and private for...

  • "But that's not in my Job Description..."Teaching Hospital Doctors about Finance

    The all too familiar get-out clause of “ but that’s not in my job description” could soon be a thing of the past in the NHS. This common phrase can be heard in any given workplace and the hospital sector is no different. We are talking specifically about hospital doctors and their role in financial matters. For many doctors it is very simple- it is...

  • How to Provide Culturally Competent Haelthcare

    A patient’s children believe it is their right to see their father’s general practitioner to discuss the results of his recent investigations for weight loss; they are adamant that, if found to have cancer, their father should not be informed.   A woman calmly tells her doctor that she cannot sign consent form for the emergency laparoscopy...

  • ANMDO Presentation

    L 'A.N.M.D.O. is the National Association of Physicians and Hospital Management in Italy. The President is Dr. Gianfranco Finzi of the University Hospital St. Orsola-Malpighi in Bologna. The Association was formed in Turin on March 21 1946, when the Constitutive Act of the Association was signed by Prof. Foltz and Prof. Giorgetto Pino Negri....

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