• Facing the Press: Effective Media Training for Hospital Managers

    Imagine you are a hospital manager about to appear on TV to answer allegations over lapses in patient safety. You have never been on TV before, but you pride yourself on your communication skills. (You really know your subject and have been invited to lecture all over the world.) In the studio, you find yourself competing for airtime against an earthquake...

  • Social Media: An Essential Tool or Passing Trend?

    Social media is taking the world by storm. Everywhere people are increasingly communicating online; writing blogs, creating Facebook profiles, sharing videos on YouTube and tweeting on Twitter. I spoke to two leading healthcare social media moguls, Ed Bennett from the US and Lucien Engelen from the Netherlands to find out why exactly social media...

  • Overview of the German Healthcare System

    The new Federal Minister of Health, Philipp Rösler (Free Democrats), is a doctor. This is a good precondition for understanding the complexities of the healthcare system and for appropriate decision making. It is, however, not only the Federal Minister who influences the development of the health system, but multiple interest groups and important...

  • Recent Developments in the German Hospital Market

    For two decades the German hospital market has seen numerous healthcare reforms. These dynamics have led to a fundamental change - and to an enormous complexity within the healthcare system. This was especially true after the introduction of the nationwide German-DRG-system in 2002. With this initiative, strategic, performance-oriented and competitive...

  • « Concept Mapping » Pour Les Organisations De Soins De Santé Du 21Eme Siècle

    Par Michael Hall La commercialisation et l'impact des organisations de soins de santé au 21ème siècle devra faire face aux défis rencontrés par les spécialistes du marketing des services et produits commerciaux. Peu importe si le support est un bandeau publicitaire de Google, un lien de réseau social, une vidéo YouTube ou tout ce qui précède,...

  • Pratique De La Gestion de La Relation Fournisseur

    Par Tobias Mettler et Peter Rohner Les organisations de santé sont sous pression croissante pour réduire leurs coûts tout en améliorant la prestation des services. Il y a un potentiel économique important dans l'amélioration des dépenses sur les produits et services. La gestion de la relation fournisseur comprise comme une approche de gestion...

  • Freitag, 20. November 2009 - 39. Ordentliche Hauptversammlung

    Bei der 39. Ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der EAHM, die nach dem diesjährigen erfolgreichen Seminar „In Richtung einer ausgewogenen Kooperation privater und öffentlicher Akteure" in Düsseldorf stattfand, standen zwei Bereiche im Mittelpunkt: der Tätigkeitsbericht und das anstehende EAHM Seminar 2010 in Zürich. Tätigkeitsbericht Nach der Danksagung...

  • Effektives Medientraining für Krankenhausmanager

    Von John Illman Eine effektive Medienkommunikation bedeutet, alles auf den Kopf zu stellen, was man üblicherweise getan hat – und die konventionelle Struktur des "Anfang, Mittelteil, Ende" zu vergessen. Kommunikation und Medien-Trainings - programme sind aufgebaut, um bestimmen zu können, welche Informationen für spezifische Zielgruppen nötig...

  • EAHM Seminar Report

    Towards a Balanced Cooperation of Public and Private Actors Most countries in Europe have evolved to a mixed system with two or three types of hospitals: public, private not-for-profit and private for-profit. The purpose of this seminar was to create an understanding of these different models and illustrate how they can work together....

  • EU Affairs

    John Dalli Commissioner for Health Public health has moved higher up the European Commission’s political agenda following a major internal administrative shakeup. The outcome means that the new commissioner, former Maltese economy and social affairs minister, John Dalli, who took over the post on 9 February will have more resources and influence than...

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