• Commissioner for Development Addresses Global Health MDGs

    At the Cross Europe Conference, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, addressed the progress made toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the work still needed to be done. In his keynote address at the conference titled "Delivering the Right to Health with the Health Millennium Development Goals," Piebalgs offered an overall...

  • Legislation: Working Times and Late Payments

    The European Commission is reopening the controversial debate on the future of working time across Europe and has begun to canvas the views of employers and employees on the changes that should be made to the present arrangements. The initiative will have direct implications for hospital managers as attention focuses on the maximum working week, the...

  • The Geographical Dimension of Hospital-Acquired Infections

    Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a constant battle for hospitals, often making the headlines. But how do these infections spread and what can be done to stop them? This article investigates the use of mapping tools for epidemiological investigation, which could allow for early warning and response for hospital infections. The Epidemiology...

  • Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic Use in the ICU:

    Utilising Computer Surveillance to Improve Workflow and Outcomes COSARA (Computerised Surveillance and Alerting of nosocomial infections, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic consumption in the ICU) is a software application designed and developed for the registration and integration of infection-related data in the ICU patient. The application...

  • « Concept Mapping » Pour Les Organisations De Soins De Santé (Deuxième Partie)

    Le « Life Institute of Albany », New York, a commencé à envisager un nouvel accès sur le marché des services de soins coordonnés pour les patients souffrant des maladies chroniques du vieillissement, les malades atteints de maladies incurables et les personnes qui les aident au sein de leur famille. Les gestionnaires de l'institut ont décidé qu'une...

  • Gestion Des Déchets Pour Les Hôpitaux Au 21e Siècle

    Les meilleures pratiques de gestion des déchets hospitaliers commencent avec les passations de marchés. Si moins d'articles jetables sont achetés, le total des déchets devant être éliminés sera moindre. Une meilleure classification des déchets et un tri attentif conduisent à un volume moindre de déchets contaminés et mixtes, et à un volume plus important...

  • “Roadmap to Top Quality” - 23. EVKD-Kongress in Zürich, 9. und 10. September 2010

    Wir Freuen Uns, Ihnen Den 23. Kongress Der Europäischen Vereinigung Der Krankenhaus-Direktoren (EVKD) Anzukündigen. „Roadmap to Top Quality"Lautet Das Thema. Am ersten Kongresstag präsentieren Leistungs- erbringer, Krankenhausmanager,Politiker und weitere Exponenten aus dem Gesundheistwesen ihre Standpunkte zum Thema Qualität und Qualitätsverbesserung....

  • Übersicht Uber Das Irische Gesundheitssystem

    Von Damien McCallion Irland gehört zu der kleinen Anzahl an Ländern, wo die Leistungen der Gesundheits- und Sozialfürsorge unter der Aufsicht einer Regierungsabteilung stehen. Die angebotenen Leistungen reichen demnach von Neurochirurgie an einem Ende des Spektrums bis hin zu Kinder- und Familienfürsorge am anderen Ende. Die Leistungen werden...

  • National News

    Belgium EIB Grant for Health Sciences Campus Gasthuisberg The European Investment Bank (EIB) will grant 325 million euro to K.U. Leuven and UZ Leuven for the construction and completion of the “Health Sciences Campus Gasthuisberg”, a first-class medical and university centre providing acute care, education and research in a single location,...

  • EU News

    EU Presidency and Ministers Provide Direction for E-Health Recognising the efforts that brought EU policy on e-health to the present, EU Ministers and the Spanish Presidency have recommended a plan for the future.   In the Ministerial Declaration of European Cooperation on ehealth, a detailed framework was set forth in order to achieve...

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