• EAHM Awards Three New Honorary Members: Asger Hansen, Ervin Kövesi And Manuel Delgado

    Introduced by Heinz Kölking, Ervin Kövesi was unable to accept his Honorary Membership in person. Kovesi completed his education as an economist and has worked in healthcare ever since. Roles have included Administration Director and later President of the Medical University Debrecen/Hungary. Mr. Kövesi was also acting Director of the Institute of...

  • Quality Of Healthcare: Health Economics Versus Health Politics

    Dr. Cerniauskas' presentation focused on how both economics and politics are important in regards to quality of healthcare. Although healthcare professionals, politicians and economists may not see eye-to-eye they are all implicated in the quality of care. While quality of healthcare and quality related issues have, for a long time, been almost exclusively...

  • Practical Examples and Experiences from Austria

    The focus of Dr. Heinisch's presentation was on how investments in quality can also lead to improvements in efficiency. During his presentation he used the example of the hospital partnership between the Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy and the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy in Linz, through which quality and efficiency improved. Heinisch believes...

  • La Vérité Sur La Réforme Des Soins de Santé :

    La Caractere Intriseque Du Succes Financier ,Operationnel Et Clinique Par Charles Danham M. Denham a porté notre attention sur la possibilité qu'ont les dirigeants d'avoir un impact significatif sur la réforme des soins de santé. Il estime que la prochaine avancée pour les soins de santé ne sera ni informatique, ni matérielle, mais portée par...

  • Editorial

    Eine Neues Kapitel Für Die EVKD Vom 9. bis zum 11. September hat der diesjährige Kongress der Krankenhausdirektoren in Zürich stattgefunden. Teilnehmer, Organisatoren und Verantwortliche schauen auf einen exzellenten und erfolgreichen Kongress zurück. Allen die daran mitgewirkt haben sei auf das Herzlichste gedankt. Insbesondere unseren Kolleginnen...

  • Das Gesundheitssystem in Luxemburg

    Luxemburg, mit einer Einwohnerzahl von 502.000 Personen (Eurostat, Schätzung 2010), hat eines der besten, staatlich geförderten Gesundheitssysteme in Europa. Das System beruht auf drei Prinzipien: zwingende Gesundheitsversicherung, freie Wahl des Anbieters für Patienten und verpflichtende Einwilligung des Anbieters, mit einem festgelegten Gebührensatz....

  • Shared Values and Experiences

    For the 23rd time, the congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers will bring together several hundred hospital managers, who have travelled from all over Europe. It will be, without a doubt, an occasion for rich and inspiring discussions facilitated by high-level international experts. The congress will also, and most importantly permit...

  • Belgian Presidency of the EU and Health Policy

    The key words underlining the health policy of the Belgian Presidency are solidarity and innovation. The Council will enter into policy discussions on the way in which Member States and the Commission manage public health risks together, in particular as a result of evaluation of the influenza pandemic. There will also be conclusions adopted on nuclear...

  • Art for Health: Use of Art in Hospital Space

    Hospital space can provide healing at all levels: psychological, spiritual and physical, with the architecture and interior design affecting all of them. Art has been used in hospitals since the 14th century. In spite of this, for decades the concept of art in hospitals remained a marginal one. In the 1980s, however, views began to change....

  • L’ « Evidence-Based Design » Pour La Sécurité Du Patient Dans L’Environnement

    La Perspective De La <<Joint Commission International>> Par Carlo Ramponi Pendant que la médecine évolue de plus en plus vers une médecine basée sur les faits (EBM pour Evidence-Based Medicine) dans laquelle les choix cliniques sont orientés par les données issues de la recherche, le design et l'architecture adaptés à la santé sont de plus...

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