• Opening Ceremony

    The 23rd EAHM Congress in Zurich was officially opened by Mr. Rolf Gilgen, President of the Swiss Association of Hospital Managers. Artemis Trio, a three-piece band played the Swiss national anthem as a procession of two men and two women made their way through the convention hall symbolically carrying the Swiss and EAHM flags. Mr. Gilgen welcomed...

  • Keynote Speech - Real Healthcare Reform

    Mr. Denham began by addressing what was on everyone's mind- why is an American delivering the keynote speech at a European congress!? Moreover, what can we learn from the US- a country with possibly the lowest quality of care and the most expensive of the industrialised nations? Mr. Denham believes that healthcare reform and quality are not only national,...

  • The Pitfalls and Use of Outcome Indicators, Taking Post-Surgical Infections as an Example

    Various partners in the health system are increasingly turning to indicators to reveal the quality of the care given. The path of 'outcome measurement' is however, strewn with pitfalls, and it is essential to be aware of these in order to interpret and use such data. Prof. Troillet illustrated this through the example of a Swiss multi-centric programme...

  • Planned Pathways in the Management of Cancer

    In the last three decades the incidence of cancer in Denmark has been among the highest in the OECD countries. At the same time the outcomes of cancer treatment rank among the poorest. Since the turn of the century, this picture has changed completely as a result of the national Cancer Plan I and Cancer Plan II, adopted in 2001 and 2006 respectively....

  • The Portuguese Experience of Quality Improvement in Health

    Dr. Franca explained that the Portuguese National Health Plan (2004-2010) was criticised by WHO in an evaluation in February 2010. They concluded that, "The Plan does not focus sufficiently on the quality and safety of health care services. The monitoring of health care outcomes, medical processes, medical errors and safety in health care services,...

  • Séance 2 : Qualité : Communication, Gestion, Politique et Economie

    Le Professeur Conen nous a parlé de la communication des risques et des risques de la communication. Il est largement > executive  summaries- fraincais admis que 30 à 50 % des erreurs médicales pourraient être évitées. Le Professeur Conen estime que, dans nos hôpitaux, le risque est exprimé en chiffres sans autre détail ou explication. Les patients...

  • Die ECHTE Gesundheitsreform: Sicherheit an Erster Stelle –

    Der Schlussel Zu Finanziellem,Operativem Und Klinischem Erfolg Von Charles Denham Laut Meinung von Hrn. Denham haben Führungskräfte die Möglichkeit, einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Gesundheitsreform zu nehmen – seiner Ansicht nach wird sich der nächste Durchbruch im Gesundheitsbereich nicht auf Software oder Hardware beziehen, sondern auf...

  • 1. Session Qualität: Verbesserungen und Transparenz

    Anthony Staines konzentrierte seinen Vortrag auf drei Qualitätsmerkmale: Konzept, Implementierung und Kommunikation. Er betonte, dass es Diskrepanzen gäbe zwischen der Qualität, die laut Forschung erreichbar wäre, und der Qualität, die dann tatsächlich erreicht wird. Seiner Ansicht nach müssen zehn Schlüsselfaktoren für die klinische Qualität und Patientensicherheit...

  • EU Affairs

    Tackling Climate Change for Health Europe's public health services would reap major benefits from an ambitious policy to tackle climate change, according to a new report by two health and environmental non-governmental organisations.   As European governments prepare to draw up their negotiating stance for the next round of...

  • AEDH News

     40ème Assemblée Générale Ordinaire / Jeudi 9 Septembre 2010, de 9 à 10 h La 40ème assemblée générale ordinaire de l'AEDH s'est tenue à Zurich avant la cérémonie officielle d'ouverture du 23ème Congrès de l'AEDH intitulé « Roadmap to Top Quality ». L'Assemblée générale a principalement porté sur deux sujets : le rapport d'activité du président...

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