• New Composition of the EAHM Subcommittees

    During its meeting of October 15th, the Board decided on the composition of the subcommittees. We would like to share here with you the names of the members of the subcommittees together with a short description of each subcommittee as they play an important role in the dynamics of our association. Scientific Subcommittee (SSC) The scope...

  • UK - Highest Rates of Clostridium Difficile in Europe

    A study published in The Lancet has found that Britain has the highest number of cases of Clostridium difficile in Europe. The research, which involved hospitals in 29 countries in Europe, looked for the bug and in particular a dangerous type known as 027.  The study revealed that Europewide the 027 strain made up only five percent of total C diff...

  • Coping with the Unexpected

    When Eyjafjallajökull, the Icelandic volcano erupted on March 21st of this year it was surprisingly Europe that was disturbed the most and not Iceland. The spewing cloud of ash caused fewer problems for Iceland in comparison to the havoc it reeked on European air travel. At first thought any effects of volcanic ash on the healthcare sector would be...

  • Hospital Disaster Response: Are You Really Prepared?

    Is your hospital prepared for the next disaster? This article is designed to generate discussion into the adequacy of your hospital's current emergency response plan. Hours upon hours of work go into creating a hospital's emergency response plan that is designed to respond to a myriad of disasters. As with any large-scale plan, it may appear flawless...

  • Sustaining the Future of Nuclear Medicine

    The Netherlands continues to be at the centre of debate regarding the continued supply of medical isotopes worldwide. Molybdenum-99, the parent generator of technetium-99m, is a crucial tool used by nuclear medicine departments to pinpoint cancer. The substance is regularly in short supply because only five large commercial producers exist worldwide,...

  • Overview of the Spanish Healthcare System

    The Spanish National Healthcare System ("Instituto Nacional de la Salud"), founded on Spain's General Healthcare Act of 1986, guarantees universal coverage and free healthcare access to all Spanish nationals, regardless of economic situation or participation in the social security network. In 1998 the Sistema Sanitario Público (public health...

  • Financement De Crise : L'Expérience Française

    Les hôpitaux publics français sont des acteurs économiques majeurs. L'accroissement des campagnes pour la modernisation et le développement a appelé à d'importantes liquidités, et même si leur situation financière saine a pu en empêcher les effets à long terme, ils n'ont pas pu échapper à la crise financière qui a frappé en 2008. Quand elle a éclaté, il...

  • Le Programme Qualité Des Soins De Santé Danois

    Le programme qualité des soins de santé danois est un système national destiné à soutenir une amélioration continue de la qualité des soins de santé danois dans son ensemble : il offre des normes de qualité et des méthodes permettant d'en assurer la mesure et le contrôle. Tous les hôpitaux danois, qu'ils soient publics ou privés, travaillent actuellement...

  • Mexiko: Management Der a H1N1 Krise

    2009 brach in mehreren mexikanischen Städten die Influenza aus und führte damit zu einer erheblichen Belastung des ohnehin schwachen Intensivpflegesystems und des allgemeinen Gesundheitssystems. Während der ersten Welle wurden der Mangel an Vorräten, diagnostischen Tests und antiviralen Therapien deutlich. Am besorgniserregendsten war die ungenügende...

  • Krankenhaus Katastrophenplan: Sind Sie Wirklich Vorbereitet?

    Ist der aktuelle Notfallplan Ihres Krankenhauses wirklich ausreichend? Wie bei jedem umfangreichen Plan, kann auch dieser Plan auf dem Papier tadellos aussehen – um dann während der eigentlichen Ausführung völlig zu versagen. Die Katastrophenplanung sollte alle möglichen Bedrohungen umschließen. Krankenhäuser müssen darauf gefasst sein, ein Primärziel...

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