The key words underlining the health policy of the Belgian Presidency are solidarity and innovation. The Council will enter into policy discussions on the way in which Member States and the Commission manage public health risks together, in particular as a result of evaluation of the influenza pandemic. There will also be conclusions adopted on nuclear medicine and radioisotopes.

Negotiations on the draft directive relating to cross-border healthcare will continue and particular attention will be devoted to the question of professionals from the healthcare sector, to the determining social factors of health, to the fight against cancer and chronic illnesses, as well as to solidarity and innovation in the proprietary medicinal products sector.

The Council will continue to work on legislative initiatives constituting the pharmaceutical package; especially proposals aimed at combating the counterfeiting of medicines, and pharmacovigilance.

Also, at an international level, the Belgian Presidency will ensure preparation and coordination of the European of the Conference of the Parties on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.