• New Technical Guidance Website for Providers of Healthcare Facilities

    The new website ‘Space for Health’, linked to the Department of Health’s website, brings together a whole suite of guidance (including Health Technical Memoranda, Health Building Notes and other information) into one online resource for all those involved in the procurement, management, design and planning of healthcare facilities, including NHS and...

  • New Consultation on Personal Health Budgets Launched

    Care Services Minister Phil Hope Launched a new consultation on Personal Health Budgets. Personal health budgets are being piloted in primary care trusts until 2012 – direct payments will form part of these. Personal health budgets will help to create a more personalised NHS, by giving people more choice and control over how money is spent on their...

  • Commission Tackles Health Inequalities in the EU

    The European Commission has announced a series of actions to help Member States and other actors tackle the gaps in health which exist between and within countries in the EU. Despite increased prosperity and overall improvements in health in the EU, health differences between and within countries persist and in some cases are increasing. Difference...

  • Commission Launches Youth Health Initiative - “Be Healthy, Be Yourself”

    The initiative, launched by European Commissioner for Health Androulla Vassiliou, encourages more young people to become actively involved in developing EU health policies. It was kickstarted with a conference on Youth Health in Brussels in July allowing over 200 young people to meet with policymakers and health organisations and debate key health...

  • Managing Clinical Communication for Patient Safety: The PACT Project

    The clinical handover process is an integral component of patient care. Communication between clinicians regarding a patient’s condition, treatment plan and care is directly related to the quality of health outcomes and system success. Poor communication has been implicated as the leading cause of medication errors, delays in treatment, perinatal...

  • Portable Ultrasound on the Rise

    The ultrasound imaging equipment market is currently seeing a clear trend towards miniaturisation. The dramatic increase in the use of hand-held and portable ulrasound (defined by InMedica as compact ultrasound), has driven additional growth for ultrasound in markets such as cardiology. Developments in the ultrasound imaging market today...

  • E-Prescribing in the Netherlands

    As Europe moves from national healthcare IT programmes towards full-fledged e-health services, many experts see e-prescribing as a key foundational step. There is a strong business case, accompanied by equally strong perceptions, that improving the prescribing and medication management process with IT will directly reduce errors, increase service...

  • Editorial

    Europsäiche Zusammenarbeit Und Management Der europäische Prozess zur Integration geht weiter. Das Votum der Menschen in Irland für eine neue Verfassung war eindeutig. Zuvor waren weitere Ratifizierungen in Nationalparlamenten abgeschlossen worden und   die noch abschlie- ßenden Unterschriften unter den Vertrag zur neuen Verfassung gelten als...

  • Executive Summaries

    Gutschein-Modelle Im Offentlichen Versicherungsgesundheitssystem Von Marek Pavlík, Zuzana Darmopilová Märkte im Gesundheitsbereich werden üblicherweise als Schauplätze angesehen, die durch „rationalisierte“ staatliche Regulationen charakterisiert sind. Aufgrund dieser Tatsache können sowohl Angebot als auch Nachfrage reguliert werden. Gutschein-Modelle...

  • EKVD News

    Die EKVD war stolz darauf, mit der ‘European Association of Healthcare IT Managers’ bei der Organisation des IT @ Networking Awards 2009 (IT @ 2009) zusammenzuarbeiten, der vom 29.-30. Oktober 2009 in Brüssel stattfand. IT @ 2009 ist eine innovative Veranstaltung, welche die aktuellsten Healthcare IT Lösungen auf die paneuropäische Bühne bringen will....

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