• National

    Luxembourg Association News The Entente des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois has moved to new offices. The new address is 5, rue des Mérovingiens au Z.A. Bourmicht à L- 8070 Bertrange.   During their General Assembly on June 30th 2009 Mr. Paul Junck has been elected as new President and Dr. Raymond Lies as Vice President, succeeding respectively...

  • Europe

    Commission Steps up Action on Neurodegenerative Conditions The Commission has recently adopted concrete proposals to deal with Alzheimer’s disease, dementias and other neurodegenerative conditions. There are currently over seven million people with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders in Europe and it is predicted that this number will...

  • EU Affairs

    A ground breaking agreement between healthcare employers and employees will give medical staff greater protection against injuries from needle sticks and other sharp objects when at work. With over one million such injuries every year in Europe, these are one of the most common health and safety threats staff, particularly in hospitals, face. They...

  • Integrating European Healthcare Workers

    In recent years the NHS has struggled to retain sufficient numbers healthcare workers, leading to a shortage   of medical staff. To combat this skills deficiency, the NHS set targets to attract 7,500 more consultants, 2,000 new GPs and 20,000 more nurses by March 2004. The Royal College of Physicians in particular noted that this shortage was due...

  • Accreditation for Ambulatory Facilities Value of International Recognition and Managers Role

    Background Several studies have demonstrated that the role of hospitals is changing; services formerly provided by hospitals are now provided by other kind of facilities, like community healthcare centres or ambulatory settings (also named outpatient clinics, policlinics, poliambulatory); further it is becoming more and more clear that hospitals...

  • The Effectiveness of Nurse-Led Clinic

    Coronary heart disease (CHD) and the impact it has on society will to continue to increase, as the average age of the population rises. Advances in prevention and treatment have increased survival rates in patients with CHD. Continuing interventions for patients already diagnosed with CHD impacts on further coronary events they may experience and...

  • Editorial

    L’Hopital Et La Crise Le devenir des établissements de santé est une préoccupation forte de l’ensemble des citoyens européens qui transcende largement les differences des modèles d’organisation des soins existant au sein de l’Union. Pour autant, il est étonnant de constater que cette question a été presque totalement absente des récents débats...

  • ADEH News

    Vers Une Cooperation Équilibree Des Acteurs Publics Et Prives L’Association européenne des directeurs d'hôpitaux « European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) » vous invite à assister à leur prochain séminaire qui se tiendra à Düsseldorf en Allemagne le 20 Novembre 2009.   La plupart des pays européens ont évolué vers un...

  • Executive Summaries

    Des Stratégies Pour Surmonter la Recession Par Richard L. Gundling La récession économique a été difficile pour les hôpitaux américains et européens à presque tous les niveaux mais un bon nombre de ses gestionnaires financiers ne s’avouent pasvaincus face à cette crise financière, reconnaissant que les mesures qu'ils prennent aujourd'hui...

  • Editorial

    Unsere Krankenhauser Und Die Krise Die Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens beschäftigt wohl alle Bürger in Europa. Dieses Problem geht über die Unterschiede zwischen den Organisationsmodellen der Gesundheitsfürsorge in ganz Europa hinaus. Für viele ist es sehr überraschend zu erkennen, dass diese Frage in den jüngsten Debatten, die den Wahlen zum Europäischen...

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