• Patient Mobility and Patient Safety

    The provision of cross-border care is a phenomenon that has received considerable policy attention in the last few years. Nevertheless, knowledge on patient-safety and patient-centeredness issues related to patients crossing borders to obtain care remains rather scarce until now. There is remarkably little systematic information on the volume and...

  • EU Green Paper Sheds Light on Healthcare Workforce

    The cover story so far has focused on patient mobility but there is another element in the equation: the mobility and migration of healthcare workers. It is not only the patients who are free to move around the European Union. This is both an asset and a challenge. Indeed it is one of the many challenges the facing health systems and the healthcare...

  • Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka,Croatia

    Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka (KBC Rijeka) is a teaching and patient-centered hospital, providing clinical and empathetic care mostly for patients from Western (Costal) Croatia. The owner of the hospital is the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the usual form of organisation for teaching hospitals in Croatia.   As an academic medical...

  • The Introduction of Drugs in Croatia

    In Croatia, hospitals are funded by monthly payments from the state healthcare budget, controlled by the state health insurance fund (Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, HZZO). Funds have to be accounted for through the issue of bills for medical services. These bills are a combination of fee-for-service (FFS) payments for outpatient services...

  • Medizintourismus – Der Internationale Medizinreisemarkt

    Von Michael D. Horowitz Der Markt für medizinisch bedingtes Reisen ist durch das aktuelle Aufkommen des Medizintourismus grundlegend verändert worden. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Phänomen, in dem Bürger der Industrienationen die in ihrem eigenen Land angebotenen Gesundheitsleistungen umgehen und in Ent - wicklungsländer reisen, um sich dort einer...

  • Facility Management Kosten im OP – Ein Prozessmodell

    Von Karin Diez, Kunibert Lennerts Durch die Implementierung des Deutschen ‚Diagnosis Related Grouping’ (DRG) Systems und des daraus resultierenden Kostendrucks gibt es steigenden Bedarf für optimierte Einsätze und Abläufe räumlicher Ressourcen in Krankenhäusern. Im OP sind die Vorräte steriler Güter der hauptsächliche Kostenverursacher. Eine...

  • Länderfokus: Kroatien

    Das erste Jahr der Gesundheitsreform in Kroatien 2008, zu Beginn seiner Amtszeit, initiierte der Minister für Gesundheit und Soziale Wohlfahrt ein Modell für eine innovative, strukturelle Reform – die zugrundeliegende Motivation war der mit den Gesundheitsausgaben stetig steigende Schuldenberg. Die grundsätzlichen Ziele der Gesundheitsreform...

  • European Parliament Commits to Improving Patient Safety

    The European Parliament has adopted a report backing measures to reduce the number of infections in hospitals. These measures include support for research into this area, better education and information for both patients and staff and also the recruitment of specialised nurses.   Patient safety has always been of great concern in the hospital...

  • European Ageing Report 2009

    A recent European economic report has shown that the recession may prove to be a huge setback in countries’ struggle to tackle the challenges of an ageing population. Countries have already put millions of euros into their failing economies in a bid to stabilise the system and promote growth. Consequently countries that had previously made good progress...

  • Executive Summaries

    Medizintourismus – Der Internationale Medizinreisemarkt Von Michael D. Horowitz Der Markt für medizinisch bedingtes Reisen ist durch das aktuelle Aufkommen des Medizintourismus grundlegend verändert worden. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Phänomen, in dem Bürger der Industrienationen die in ihrem eigenen Land angebotenen Gesundheitsleistungen...

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