• E-Health Investment

    High Potential Opportunity and Managerial Challenge   The increase in demand for health services tends more and more often to outstrip the increase in supply. Ageing populations, increasing incidence of chronic diseases, and improvements in medical knowledge and technological equipment are the main demand drivers across the EU. The financial...

  • Forum Clinic

    Forumclinic is a set of audiovisual material (DVDs and Website) in both Spanish and Catalan launched in January 2007. Its purpose: improving the quality of life of chronically ill patients. Based on the premise that by having a better understanding of their disease patients can become more autonomous, the project aims to encourage patient involvement...

  • ICU Usage in the Hospital Environment

    E-health refers to the application of information and communication technologies to the healthcare sector. From the management of the electronic patient or staff data, to the use of telesurveillance, telesurgery, teleexpertise, teleconsultations, to long distance learning by personnel members, e-health manifests itself through a wide range of products...

  • Should We Buy an Oncology Management System?

    The selection and integration of appropriate information systems is one of the challenges facing hospital managers in their quest to achieve organisations offering a high level of clinical care, coupled with efficiency, and good financial and clinical governance. The issues become particularly difficult when ‘top down’ systems, such as EHR, HIS and...

  • The Lithuanian Healthcare System

    Lithuania, officially the Republic of Lithuania, is one of the three Baltic States. Situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, it shares borders with Latvia to the north, Belarus to the southeast, Poland, and the Russian enclave of the Kaliningrad Oblast to the southwest. Lithuania is a member of NATO. Its population is 3.4 million,...

  • Population Growth -A Challenge

    Latest News from the Association of Hospital Managers of Vienna Population growth and the consequent challenges for the healthcare sector was the aptly chosen theme of the Seventh Training Conference for Hospital Managers held in Vienna in November 2008. The proportion of the population aged 65 years and over is increasing worldwide. Accounting for...

  • First EU Health Prize for Journalists

    The European Commission has launched the first EU health prize for journalists as part of the Europe for Patients campaign. The prize has a dual purpose: the recognition and promotion of high quality health journalism across Europe. It is hoped that the prize will stimulate and contribute to the debate on EU health issues, specifically those initiatives related...

  • EKVD News

    Danische Delegation Besucht Brussel Vergangenes Jahr beschloss unsere dänische Schwester-Organisation, das dänische ,,Selskab For Ledelse I Sundhedsvæsenet“, ein internationales Sub- Komitee zu gründen. Das Ziel ist ein Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft, das Verfolgen von internationalen Entwicklungen im Managementbereich...

  • Executive Summaries

    Ehealth Investment Von Alexander Dobrev, Tom Jones und Karl A. Stroetmann Die kürzlich fertiggestellte eHealth-Finanzierungsstudie stellt einen allgemeinen Leitfaden für künftige Investoren im eHealth-Bereich dar und liefert eine Unterstützung bei Entscheidungen über Finanzierungen. Der wichtigste Punkt der angebotenen Modelle ist...

  • News Europe

    Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health Last December, the European Commission adopted a green paper on the EU workforce for health. This marks the beginning of a consultation period which aims to identify common responses to the many challenges facing the health workforce in Europe. A high quality health workforce is crucial for successful...

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