• Leadership for New Challenges

    Right after the EAHM General Assembly (see report on p. 7-8), the Congress got off to an amazing start with more than 600 hospital managers attending. The quality of the presentations perfectly matched the sumptuous main hall of the Graz Convention Centre that accommodated the delegates’ lively exchanges for two days. Fittingly, Graz was the...

  • Leadership Meets Politics

    Both speakers for this session strongly put forth the need for political decision makers to align health systems with societal changes. They are also very lucid about structural obstacles to face in order to carry out that political mission. Medical savings accounts are a tool to enhance free movement of goods, services and people.   Gediminas Cerniauskas,...

  • Leadership Meets Economy

    EAHM Delegates Focus on Essential Hospital Management Requirements. Privatisation is one of the hottest topics on the European hospital scene right now, as it illustrates the vital need for hospitals to fit into a generalised market-driven economy. But an adequate registration of merging new professions is an equally important leadership requirement...

  • Healthcare in Denmark

    Denmark, a Scandanavian country consisting of a mainland peninsula and a number of islands, is a small country (43,000 km2) with few inhabitants (5.5 million). The capital city, Copenhagen, has around one million citizens. There are two off-shore territories, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, granted home rule in 1979 and 1948. Contrary to the rest...

  • The Danish Hospital Systems

    The hospital sector in Denmark is under the responsibility of the five regions. Regional authorities must offer free hospital treatment for the residents of the region and emergency treatment for temporary residents in need. Almost all hospitals are publicly owned (95% of hospital beds are public).   The obligation to provide its citizens...

  • The Danish Association of Healthcare Management

    Because of the rising importance of international hospital and healthcare affairs, the Association has recently decided to also to set up a new subcommittee in charge of following up on international developments concerning healthcare management.   The Association was founded in 1912 and is one of the oldest hospital management associations...

  • AEDH News

    38 é me Assembl é e G é n é rane De L’AEDH La 38ème Assemblée générale de notre association, l’AEDH, s’est principalement concentrée sur deux questions : les amendements aux statuts de l’AEDH et le rapport d’activités.   Rapport d’Activités A la moitié du mandat du Bureau et Conseil d’Administration actuels, un...

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  • Executive Summaries

    22 EVKD-Kongress: Eröffnungszeremonie Über 600 Krankenhausmanager konnten zum 22. EVKD-Kongress zum Thema „Neue Führung für neue Herausforderungen“ in der prächtigen Haupthalle des Grazer Kongress-Zentrums begrüßt werden. Nikolaus Koller, Vorsitzende der Vereinigung der Krankenhausdirektoren Steiermarks und Organi - sator des Kongresses, begrüßte...

  • Lethal Treatment for Public Hospitals

    Author: Professor  André Grimaldi, Diabetics-Metabolism Dept., Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France Email:  [email protected] The Shock of T2A Funding healthcare by T2A (activity-based fees) has replaced the funding of hospitals via the general budget...

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