• Electronic Patient Records Across the Care Continuum

    The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is moving towards vertical integration of its healthcare services as exemplified by the ‘Inte grated Care Pilot Programme’ launched by the Department of Health in October 2008. Vertical integration is where the full range of health providers (hospital and community services, GPs, mental health providers,...

  • Cost Effective Infection Control:A Three-Pronged Approach

    Hospital acquired (nosocomial) infections, i.e. infections developing 48 hours or more after admission to hospital, are a global problem. The proportional rise in the ageing population, and consequently of the patient population in hospital, the ever increasing use of prosthetic materials and of intravascular devices, and increasing prescription of...

  • Reporter est Toxique. Schéma de Résolution de Conflits à l’Hôpital

    Par Hans Martin Hasselhorn, Peter Tackenberg et Sascha Schmidt La recherche démontre que les conflits au travail ont un effet négatif sur la satisfaction professionnelle des employés. Les données de suivi de l’étude européenne NEXT ont été utilisées pour examiner l’impact des different styles de résolution de conflits sur...

  • Elektronische Krankenakten (EPR) und integrierte Pflege

    Von David Kwo Integrierte Pflege verlangt integrierte IT. Es sind vier Schlüsselfaktoren, die es EPRs erlauben, die Qualität der Pflege zu verbessern: Sie müssen intelligent sein (d.h. fortschrittliche active klinische Entscheidungshilfen in Echtzeit liefern); Tiefenintegration bieten (d.h. Funktionen müssen nahtlos und auf allen Ebenen integriert...

  • The Netherlands

    “Striving For a Healthy Crisis” The Dutch week of public health took place from the 6th to the 12th of April, coinciding with World Health Day. The motto for this year was "Striving for a Healthy Crisis". An initiative of the Dutch Public Health Federation (NPHF), the aim: to generate broad media attention, putting public health on the agenda....

  • ENISA Analyses Risks of e-Health

    ENISA (The European Network and Information Security Agency) has issued a report presenting major potential Emerging and Future Risks (EFR) concerning remote health monitoring. The report comes after an EFR assessment based on scenario building and analysis. The e-health scenario was developed and analysed by an international group of interdisciplinary...

  • Executive Summaries

    Rentabilité du Contrôle de l’Infection: une Approche Triple Par Ellen E. Stobberingh, Ed E.J. Smeets et Frank H. van Tiel Les infections contractées à l’hôpital sont un problem global qui débouche sur un accroissement de la morbidité nosocomiale et de la mortalité, ainsi que sur une augmentation de la charge financière de l’hôpital...

  • News from the European Association of Hospital Managers

    Danish Delegation Visits Brussels Last year, our Danish sister organisation, the Dansk Selskab For Ledelse I Sundhedsvæsenet, decided to create an international sub committee. The aim was to promote the exchange of know ledge and experiences with the international communit... Read more

  • Dual Management at the Department Level

    Those responsible for running a department repeatedly come up against the limits of practicability on many levels. Fixed-term projects can often be very helpful here - they allow people to familiarise themselves with a new situation and examine to what extent things have improved (or not). In this sense not only should strengths be reinforced, but...

  • Czech EU Presidency

    The biggest challenge facing the Czech government during its European presidency over the next six months will be to secure agreement on new legislation to update existing European working time rules. Prague, with the help of the European Commission, has just three months to end the stand off between national governments and the European Parliament...

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