• Common Visions

    Since its creation in 1972, the objective and main mission of the European Association of HospitalManagers has been to be at the leading edge of evolutions in the European hospital sector and to encourage exchanges among member states. It is in this way that, following on fromtechnological andmanagerial developments, as well as further to the hospital...

  • EAHM

    2 nd EAHM Psychiatry Symposium in Berlin On March 27 and 28 the Working Party on Psychiatry of the European Association of Hospital Managers had invited European managers and professionals of psychiatric care to join them on the banks of the Spree in Berlin, in order to attend the second crossborder psychiatry symposium entitled “How...

  • The Full Potential of eBusiness in Healthcare

    When speaking about eBusiness as applied to the healthcaremarket two questions arise immediately. Firstly,what is eBusiness? Secondly, why is eBusiness inHealthcare different fromeBusiness in other sectors?   Answers should be given to these two questions against the economic, technical and patient care related background of the topic. It includes...

  • Streamlined and Automated Contracting System for Canadian Hospitals

    Krista Logan is walking on air these days. She works for Medbuy Corporation, a Canadian group purchasing group, and organising Request for Proposal (sent by vendors/suppliers whomight be interested in submitting a bid for the contracted item) bids is a big part of her job as Senior ProgramManager. The RPF process used to be verymanual and time-consuming,...

  • Agreements on Objectives, an Integral Part of Hospital Management Systems

    Competitive pressures in the health sector are encouraging the formation of larger companies, some of which are internationally active. The integration of previously independent entities is a significant challenge, particularly where there are different corporate cultures.   Surveys have consistently shown that around 50% of mergers and acquisitions...


    The French Association of Managers of Healthcare, social and medical-social Institutions AFRADESS (As - sociation française des Directeurs d’Etablissements sanitaires et sociaux) is a non-profit association open to managers and executive managers active in the private non-profit sector of healthcare (hospitals, clinics, etc), social care (emergency...

  • SNCH

    The National union of hospital managerial staff (SNCH for Syndicat national des Cadres hospitaliers) is an organisation which exclusively represents managerial staff working in hospitals.   The SNCH was founded in 1947 by financial directors. Gradually, it started accepting all hospital ma - nagerial staff....

  • ADH

    The ADH (Association des Di rec teurs d’Hôpitaux) is constantly questioning the various ways of go ver - ning, sketching out healthcare “leadership skills”, developing hospital exe cutives’ proficiency, supporting adjustment to ongoing reforms…   Through education programs, collective thinking,...

  • AEDH News

    2 eme Symposium De Psychiatrie a Berlin Les 27 et 28 mars derniers, c’est sur les rives de la rivière Spree à Berlin que la Commission « Psychiatrie » de l’Association Européenne des Directeurs d’Hôpitaux (AEDH) avait invite les managers et les professionnels euro - péens de la prise en charge psychiatrique à assister au 2 ème symposium transfronta lier...

  • Executive Summaries

    Das Potential des eBusiness für Gesundheitsdienste Von Ursula Hübner Das Wechseln von Papier- zu elektronischen Prozessen birgt ungeahnte Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Notwendigkeit, Strukturen und Prozesse neu zu überdenken. Im Gegensatz zum Wachstum des Internet haben Gesundheitsdienstleister und Hersteller im Gesundheitsbereich eine...

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