• More Market Competition in Healthcare?

    The long-term impact of globalisation on the European single market is undeniable. Although competitive forces deliver benefits to consumers, the globalisation trend also causes displacement as companies shift production and employment to lowwage economies. The market for healthcare services is somewhat different however. The one-to-one nature of...

  • Europe

    Confusion Surrounds Health Services Directive The proposal for a framework directive for crossborder healthcare in the EU has still not been published. Its initial publi cation date had been foreseen for 19 De cember 2007. It was shelved on 19 December due to internal disagreement with in the European Commission. Several Commissioners' cabinets have...

  • News from the European Association of Hospital Managers

    Scientific Committee Meeting in Brussels Meeting in Brussels on 7 March 2008, the EAHM Scientific Committee welcomed a new member, Mr. José Manuel Aldamiz Echevarria of Spain. Mr. Echevarria succeeds his compatriot, Mr. Manel Peiro. The EAHM took the opportunity to thank Mr. Peiro for his outstanding work on the committee and the dedication...

  • Migration of Polish Doctors: The Situation Since 1 May 2004

    Author: Maciej Duszczyk Institute of Social Policy, Warsaw University, Poland Email: [email protected] For the last few years, discussions surrounding employment migration of medical staff have been intense and ongoing in Poland. At times, members of the medical community have used the threat of emigration against the ruling authorities...

  • New Cerdanya Hospital: A Shared Border Project

    Authors: Xavier Conill is a member of the Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica in the filed of innovation of health systems and he is the secretary of the Fundació Privada Hospital Transfronterer de la Cerdanya Email: [email protected]   Cristina Rodriguez is a consultant in the health field and takes part...

  • Crossborder Healthcare In Europe: Towards a European Healthcare System

    Author: Prof. Dr . August Österle, Research Institute for Healthcare and Management and Health Economics,Institute for Social Policy, Vienna University of Economics, Austria Email: [email protected] The European integration project is built on free movement of people, goods, services and capital....

  • The Slovenian Health and Hospital System

    Author: Ana Polanc, Public Relations Adviser, Ministry of Health, Ljubjlana, Slovenia Email: [email protected] Slovenia is a country with 2 million citizens. Since 1991 it has been a democratic republic, with the full name of the Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia covers 20,273 square kilometres, and its capital is...

  • Slovenia and eHealth

    The six health programme priorities of the Slovenian Ministry of Health are: health improvement and preventive activities; the formulation of national policies and strategies for enabling and promoting healthy lifestyles; healthcare; organisation of the healthcare system; healthcare financing and development of a model for monitoring and assessing...

  • Editorial

    Willy Heuschen EAHM Secrétaire Général Rédacteur en Chef Plus De Concurrence Dans Les Soins de Santé? La mondialisation marque indubitablement le marché européen de façon durable.   Malgré certaines conséquences positives de la concurrence pour le consommateur, il faut néanmoins deplorer les pertes d’emploi...

  • AEDH News

    Comité Scientifique – Réunion à Bruxelles Lors de sa dernière réunion du 7 mars 2008 à Bruxelles, le comité scientifique de l’AEDH a accueilli un nouveau membre: José Manuel Aldamiz Echevarria, d’Espagne, remplace son concitoyen Manuel Peiro. L’AEDH se réjouit de l’arrivée de ce nouveau membre, mais souhaite également saisir l’occasion de remercier...

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