HealthManagement, Volume 10, Issue 2 /2008

Scientific Committee Meeting in Brussels

Meeting in Brussels on 7 March 2008, the EAHM Scientific Committee welcomed a new member, Mr. José Manuel Aldamiz Echevarria of Spain. Mr. Echevarria succeeds his compatriot, Mr. Manel Peiro. The EAHM took the opportunity to thank Mr. Peiro for his outstanding work on the committee and the dedication he has shown over the years.


The proceedings focused on three key issues. First, it considered possible themes for the scientific programme of the upcoming EAHM congress in Davos in 2010. It then discussed next moves in terms of planning for the establishment of a European accreditation system for hospitals. Finally, it examined the organisational arrangements and content of a further EAHM seminar anticipated in 2009. There was broad consensus that the committee should focus on appealing to hospital managers and it agreed on the need for lines of demarcation for the management function in hospitals. On that basis, the issues facing the EAHM revolve around leadership, communications and strategic development. With this in mind, members held a brainstorming session on themes for the 2010 congress and produced several suggestions for the content of the proposed seminar in 2009. The committee also agreed to contact our Swiss colleagues with a view to intensifying future co-operation. The proposals for the seminar in 2009 will be circulated to the EAHM Board and the list of possible topics will be whittled down thereafter.


Members of the committee were pleased to have a further meeting with Mr. Kristof Eekloo of the Catholic University of Leuven, who announced he would be in a position to publish the final results of a European study on hospital management within weeks, as his doctoral thesis was almost complete. An analysis of the study findings should be available at the Graz conference. Several committee members agreed to produce a booklet for delegates providing a concise summary of the results.