(1 January – 30 June 2009) As of 1 January the Czech Republic hastaken over the Presidency of the EUand has announced their “work-plan”for the upcoming months.


In the sphere of employment, the Czech Republic has announced that “worker mobility within the EU” is one of their top priorities. They believe “restrictions on the free movement of workers constitute a major barrier to the development of the internal market, hampering full use of the real potential of the EU member states and the EU as a whole”, thus promoting the “full liberalisation of the movement of workers within the EU and the simplification and increase of professional and geographic mobility of workers in the labour market.” Along the same lines, the Presidency believes that a “practical implementation of the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs and of the general principles of flexicurity” are needed to improve conditions within the EU in general.


Regarding the health sector, the Presidency has announced its support for the current EU initiatives in crossborderhealthcare, quality and safety oforgan donations and transplantations,rare diseases, as well as patient safetyand the control of nosocomial infections,with a focus on an ti microbial resistance.It also articulated great interestin the development of “thedefinition of financial sustainability andits objectives, and on the analysis ofthe resources available for healthcarefunding”, in an effort to be better preparedfor the May 2009 high level conference.This conference is the perfectforum in which “to share experience andexchange information and best practicesconcerning healthcare systemsand their financial sustainability.”


The Presidency has also expressed a great interest in e-health and telemedicine. It has asserted its disposition to increase the quality of healthcare through the aid of telemedicine and strengthening the interoperability of information systems in the healthcare sector. It has also proclaimed that “in February 2009, the topic of e-health will be discussed at a ministerial conference organised in coop eration with the Commission,” with the aim of improving cooperation between EU member states in this sphere.