• Belgium: New Recognition System In 2013 For Hospital Pharmacists

    In December 2012, two decrees appeared in the Belgian Official Gazette concerning the recognition of the particular professional title of hospital pharmacist. The decrees both form part of the reform of hospital pharmacist training courses and usher in a new recognition that will become operational in 2013   Following consultations...

  • European eHealth Action Plan

    The European Commission’s latest eHealth initiative, the “eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 - Innovative healthcare for the 21st century”, builds on the foundations of the 2004-2012 plan, and sets out ambitious measures for implementing eHealth across the EU with the slogan of “lifting barriers to smarter, safer, patient-centred health services.”...

  • The Changing Role Of The Hospital

    Challenges of Hospital Management                                                             The s

  • European Hospital and Community Pharmacists issue Joint Statement on Future Pharmacist Roles

    The two organisations representing community and hospital pharmacists in Europe have come together to make a declaration on the development of the pharmacy profession. The joint statement by the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) and the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is entitled “The Role of the Pharmacist in Optimising...

  • Pharma News

    Hopkins Scientists Create Method to Personalise Chemotherapy Drug Selection In laboratory studies, scientists at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have developed a way to personalise chemotherapy drug selection for cancer patients by using cell lines created from their own tumours. If the technique is successful in further studies, it could...

  • Pharmacovigilence

    EU PROTECT Project Achieves Key Objectives The PROTECT project, a public-private partnership for innovative methodologies in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology coordinated by the European Medicines Agency, has reached a crucial stage with the delivery of two databases which will offer access to important data resources for pharmacovigilance...

  • Data Privacy in a Wider Perspective of Risk Management

    Data privacy awareness has increased significantly within the health sector over the last few years; this is mainly due to EU and national legislation. Another reason is the adoption of new technologies, such as the electronic patient file and electronic prescriptions. However, data privacy is not limited to Information Technology (IT); the physical...

  • Editorial

    TIRER LES LEÇONS DE SES ÉCHECS Les excuses que David Cameron a prononcées au Parlement britannique pour les abus qui avaient pu se produire pendant des années dans l'hôpital de Stafford étaient extraordinaires. À notre connaissance, la mauvaise performance d'un hôpital dans l'accomplissement de sa mission de service public n'avait jamais été dénoncée...

  • AEDH News

    L’AEDH DEVIENT PARTENAIRE AFIN D’ASSURER LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DU LEADERSHIP ET DES COMPÉ- TENCES MANAGÉRIALES À UN NIVEAU INTERNATIONAL S'appuyant sur les objectifs stratégiques de l'OMS prévoyant de développer les compétences managériales, la Fédération Internationale des Hôpitaux (International Hospital Federation, IHF) a proposé de soutenir les bases...

  • Executive Summaries

    L'évolution du rôle de l'hôpital Par Roland Ollivier, Emilie Hericher, Cedric Arcos La situation des hôpitaux à la fin du siècle dernier pourrait être définie comme transitoire, entre un modèle stable de changements partiellement prévisibles et le nouveau schéma de l'environnement des soins de santé et de la gestion des hôpitaux que nous connaissons...

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