Today, Europeans do not have it easy. The various consequences of the economic and financial crises are obvious. Erroneously, these problems are associated with the union. Moreover, there is an increasing trend of countries moving back to nationalism and particularism. Even on a national level we cannot ignore endeavours to separate.  ...

  • People Performance: A Benchmarking Tool for Hospitals

    Staffing in hospitals has always been a hot issue. If the budget is tight and savings have to be made, all team managers will argue that it is impossible to do the same job with less people. If there are opportunities for expansion and investment, the central board will receive a bunch of ideas to engage more employees for more activity or better...

  • Real Time Location Systems in the Hospital Environment

    The idea of real-time location has been in the popular culture for a long time. The concept of knowing where someone or something is in real time has always been enticing. It has been a recurring theme in science fiction (e.g. Star Trek) and fantasy (e.g. Harry Potter) and has long been a technology on the verge of reality. It has been in the...

  • Applying Cloud Solutions in the EHR Environment

    Over the last few years everybody involved in the IT world has been talking about the famous cloud. Maybe you have heard about it, but what are they actually referring to? Cloud computing essentially refers to a change of mentality in the way of developing the storage systems of either a company or a single user....

  • IT News

    PUTTING PATIENTS IN THE DRIVING SEAT: A DIGITAL FUTURE FOR HEALTHCARE The European Commission has unveiled an Action Plan to address barriers to the full use of digital solutions in Europe's healthcare systems. The goal is to improve healthcare for the benefit of patients, give patients more control of their care and bring down costs. While...

  • MedTech Europe and the Contract for a Healthy Future

    Contributing to sustainable healthcare through a European medical technology industry alliance MedTech Europe is an Alliance of European medical technology industry associations. Its current members are EDMA, the European In Vitro Diagnostics Manufacturers Association, and Eucomed, the European Medical Technology Industry...

  • Reflections on Healthcare in Romania

    How is healthcare organised in Romania? Political changes in 1990 also affected the Romanian health system, which has gradually become two-tiered with a strong state component and a poorly represented private one, still to grow at national level. The private network has rapidly developed a number of specialisations (GP, dentistry, ophthalmology,...

  • Editorial

    Actuellement, less Européansnont paslatâche facile. Les diverses conséquences de la crise économiqueet financière sont maintenant claires et imputées, à tort, à l’Union européenne. Nous constatons aussi que les pays ont tendance à se tourner de plus en plus vers le nationalismeet le particularisme, y compris au niveau national. Il me semble...

  • Editorial

    UNSERE EUROPÄISCHE VERANTWORTUNG Überzeugte Europäer haben es heute nicht leicht. Die vielfältigen Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Schuldenkrise sind augenscheinlich. Zu Unrecht werden diese Probleme mit der Entwicklung in Europa in Verbindung gebracht. Darüber hinaus gibt es in vielen Ländern Europas die Tendenz zurück zur Nation und...

  • AEDH News

    COMPTE RENDU DE LA 42ÈME ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ORDINAIRE QUI S’EST TENUE LE 16 NOVEMBRE 2012 À DÜSSELDORF, ALLE M. Heinz Kolking, président de l'AEDH, a accueilli les membres à l'Assemblée générale. L’agenda 2012 et le compte rendu de la 41ème Assemblée générale ordinaire ont été approuvés à l'unanimité. Après cela,...

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