• Time to change our perspective on safety

    A journal with the mission of reporting on the most important themes and topics of the healthcare system and its managing structures must also focus on both patient and staff safety. We must not forget to discuss and reflect upon these topics, especially in times of economic crisis and financial insecurity. Therefore we would like to introduce...

  • Interview EAHM partner BD

    Interview: Johnny Lundgren, regional vice-president northwest and southern Europe, BD   Firstly, tell us a bit about BD. What does the company do? What are its objectives?   BD is a leading global medical technology company that develops, manufactures and sells medical devices, instrument systems and reagents....

  • Ensuring Operating Room Safety: The Italian Approach

    Authors: Dr. Salvatore Paolo Cantaro General Director Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Caltanissetta Dr. Salvatore Scarlata General Direction staff Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Caltanissetta Policies for the management and control of risks associated with healthcare constitute one of the priorities of the modern health...

  • Sustainability for financial success: Quality healthcare provision in economic uncertainty (Part 2)

      Quality Healthcare Provision in Economic Uncertainty   Following on from last issue’s interviews with representatives from Greece and Portugal, (E) Hospital spoke to Mr. Josep M. Piqué, CEO of Hospital Clínic at the University of Barcelona; and to Mr. Richard Dooley, President of the Health Management Institute of Ireland; to...

  • Interview: WHO Europe

      Dr Gerald Rockenschaub, Programme Manager for Country Emergency Preparedness with the WHO took some time out of his busy schedule to talk to (E)Hospital about the importance of disaster preparedness and emergency response and the key role of the hospital manager.   What is the role of WHO Europe and what part do you play in it?  ...

  • Healthcare in Slovakia

      Until 1990, the Slovak healthcare worked as a centralised public system, organised as the National Healthcare System independent from the Czech Healthcare system in federal Czechoslovakia. It was financed from central resources (federal state budget), distributed in the three regions of Slovakia (western, central and eastern).  ...

  • The Slovak Hospitals Associations

    Author: Miroslav Valaštík Director ANS   History In March 1991 the directors of several Slovak hospitals initiated a meeting aimed at establishing a voluntary association of hospitals which would serve to defend common interests, provide mutual support, exchange information and collaborate with similar organisations...

  • Outsourcing services in healthcare:

    Technical standards,innovations,horizon scanning and benchmarking “Outsourcing Services in Healthcare: Technical Standard, Innovation, Horizon Scanning and Benchmarking” is an on-going project, first started in 2011 by ANMDO (Italian National Association of Hospital Medical Directors). The main objectives of the...

  • Editorial

    Il EST grand temps de changer notre point de vue sur la securite   Unjournal qui s’est donné pour mission de couvrir les thèmes les plus importants intéressant les systèmes de soins de santé et leurs structures de gestion doit également savoir porter son attention sur la sécurité du patient et du personnel. Nous savons qu’il est...

  • Executive summaries

      Wie hoch der Preis der qualitative Gesundheitsversorgung? Von Willy Heuschen   Qualitä tsmanagement ist schon seit langem eine Priorität für die Europäische Vereinigung der Krankenhausmanager (EAHM), da dies innerhalb der Kernaufgabe der Vereinigung liegt, die Kompetenz und Verantwortlichkeit sowie die bessere...

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