Hospital management in times of crisis: constrains, challenges and opportunities   EAHM is proud to announce that its 24th congress will take place on 28- 30 November 2013 in Luxembourg.   Once again more than 600 hospital managers will gather from across Europe to share their experiences and best practices....

  • National

      HMI hosts second national Conference in Dublin     To an audience of almost 300 delegates, conference speakers addressed issues of policy, assessed the experience of health service managers and challenged long held beliefs and mindsets about how health services in Ireland are delivered.   HMI President, Mr....

  • EU news

      Commissioner Dalli resigns   On 16 October 2012, Commissioner John Dalli announced his resignation as a member of the Commission with immediate effect.   Mr. Dalli informed the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso of his decision following an investigation by OLAF, the EU's antifraud office, into...

  • What is the Price of Quality in Healthcare?

      As Europe sees its countries struggling to keep their commitments towards greater (cost) efficiency and general improvement of living and working conditions in all areas, it is with even more concern that we see some deadlines coming closer and closer. European, national, as well as regional plans and campaigns put in place before the economic...

  • Effect of hospital volume on processes of care and 5-year survival after breast cancer

    The link between a higher survival rate after a diagnosis of breast cancer for high volume hospitals compared to low volume hospitals has been consistently demonstrated over the last ten years. Less frequent are studies on the differences in processes of care between high and low volume providers. In Belgium, a set of 11 process indicators to assess...

  • The growing role of interventional oncology within multidisciplinary cancer care

    Interventional radiology (IR) is already well established within the field of oncology and the contribution it makes to cancer care continues to grow. Minimally invasive image-guided interventions started out having an ancillary role in oncology; treating the complications of cancer (e.g. clearing occluded ducts and vessels) or managing the side-effects...

  • Oncology News

      HOT TOPICS FROM ESMO 2012   They key message from this year’s European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) was that equal access to cancer care is a medical and ethical imperative, including early diagnosis, treatment and supportive care.   Personalised medicine   President of the society, Prof...

  • AEDH news

      LA GESTION HOSPITALIÈRE EN TEMPS DE CRISE : CONTRAINTES, DÉFIS ET OPPORTUNITÉS   L’AEDH est fier d'annoncer que son 24ème congrès aura lieu du 28 au 30 novembre 2013 dans la ville de Luxembourg.   Plus de 600 directeurs d'hôpitaux venus de l'Europe entière se réuniront cette année encore pour partager...

  • Executive summaries

      Quel est le prix à payer pour la qualité des soins ?   Par Willy Heuschen La gestion de la qualité a toujours été une priorité pour l'Association Européenne des Directeurs d'Hôpitaux (AEDH) ; la promotion de la compétence et de la responsabilité ainsi que le renforcement de la coopération entre les directeurs d'hôpitaux...

  • Editorial

      ZEIT, UNSEREN GESICHTSPUNKT DESICHERHEIT ZU ÄNDERN   Ein Magazin, das sich der Gesundheit und deren Managerstrukturen verschrieben hat, kommt nicht um jenes Thema der Patientenund Arbeitsplatzsicherheit herum. In Zeiten der wirtschaftlichen Krisen und der Einsparungen werden diese Themen oft vergessen oder vernachlässigt....

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