• Improving Patients Outcomes: A Shared Responsiblity

    March 2013 saw another successful congress from the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP). This year’s focus was Improving Patient Outcomes: A Shared Responsibility. Over 3,000 Hospital Pharmacists braved unseasonally cold temperatures and snow in Paris to attend the congress. And with a packed programme of scientific sessions, satellite...

  • Action Plan For The EU Health Workforce Adopted For a Job Rich Recovery In Europe

    On April 18 2012, the European Commission adopted a Communication "Towards a job rich recovery",, which sets out a range of measures to encourage employment and strengthen economic growth in Europe. It also identifies healthcare as one of three key sectors with a high employment potential and includes an Action Plan for the EU health workforce. The...

  • Lab and Diagnostics News: Advances in Molecular Testing Offer New Hope for Lung Cancer Patients

    Leading Healthcare Organisations Issue Guideline Recommendations for Molecular Testing and Targeted Therapies. The emergence of molecular diagnostic testing in lung cancer offers new hope for patients battling the number one cancer killer in the United States and abroad  Now, for the first time after a decade of biomarker testing in lung cancer,...

  • Incremental Implementation Strategies for Electronic Lab Order Entry Management

    By Timothy R. Huerta, Mark A. Thompson, Eric W. Ford, William F. Ford To realise productivity and efficiency gains from computers in healthcare settings, managers have to re-engineer the hospital to match workflows with the capabilities of those systems. This study explored productivity differences among US hospitals who employed differential approaches...

  • Executive Summaries

    Leadership et communication dans l'industrie des soins de santé : comprendre les outils qui mènent au succès Par Rebekah Page Rogers Le secteur de la santé est en constante progression. Au cours des dix dernières années, il est devenu une superpuissance sociétale qui assure aux citoyens les services médicaux essentiels et sert de moteur économique...

  • EVKD News

    Krankenhausmanagement In Krisenzeiten: Einschrankungen, Herausforderungen Und Chancen 24. EVKD Kongress, 28.-30. November 2013 Luxemburg Herausforderungen und Einschränkungen in Krisenzeiten Unsere Krankenhäuser stehen heutzutage vielen Herausforderungen und Einschränkungen gegenüber. Seit vielen Jahren schrumpfen die Krankenhausbudgets...

  • Learn From Your Mistakes

    It was a spectacular apology that David Cameron offered in parliament for the deplorable state of affairs that was allowed to persist for years at Stafford Hospital. As far as we know, the poor quality of care of a hospital had never before been quite so intensively, media-frenziedly discussed in any European parliament as it was in this case....

  • UK: New Mobile Phone App Transforms Patient And Family Feedback

    A revolutionary new smartphone app designed by Birmingham Children's Hospital - the first of its type in the NHS - is making patient and family feedback quicker, easier and more effective than ever before.   The Birmingham Children’s Hospital Feedback app has been designed to enable children, young people and families to interact with the...

  • Blockbusters, Biotechnological Drugs And Biosimilars

    Present Situation and Perspectives Background Nowadays, available drugs cannot adequately treat all patients: side effects without clinical improvements or clinical improvement associated with relevant side effects can occur, as well as benefits and adverse events. The expectations for new drugs are, therefore, very high, both from the healthcare...

  • Cross-border Collaboration in Ireland

    The Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) is the leading membership organisation for health and social care managers and leaders in Northern Ireland. In recent years, IHM Northern Ireland and the Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) have collaborated in a number of cross-border initiatives, including shared learning for members. Louise McMahon,...

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