• Facing Challenges Together

    Heinz Kölking The year 2011 will surely stay in our memories for a long time due to the turbulent developments in the financial markets and national budgets. Under the widespread cost cutting measures in almost all European countries, hospitals have had to reduce spending or to find new sources of income. Company strategies had to...

  • Healthcare Management Training in Northern Ireland

    Interviewees: Louise McMahon Director of Performance and Improvement Karen Hamill Graduate Trainee Like any profession, training and education will always be a key issue for hospital managers. Unlike doctors or lawyers, there  is no professional body dictating the requirements for entry into the profession and yet hospital managers...

  • The Training and Education of Hospital Managers in Austria

    Author: Klaus Watzinger [email protected] www.oeik.at Some decades ago the training and education of hospital managers was quite different than today. Many managers  completed special educations for public companies or studied business and administration but there was no special  training or education for hospital...

  • Value Adding Management of Hospital Real Estate: Balancing Different Stakeholder Perspectives

    Real estate is one of the resources that organisations can use to attain organisational goals and to add value to the organisation. Due to a move towards less governmental support in favour of increasing entrepreneurship, Dutch hospitals are becoming more responsible for their own building investment decisions. This is happening in other European...

  • Avoiding Communication Breakdowns in Nursing Change of Shift Handovers

    Author s : John S. Carroll Morris A. Adelman Professor of Management MIT Sloan School of Management [email protected]   Michele Williams Assistant Professor of Organization Behaviour Cornell University Industrial and Labor Relations School   Theresa M. Gallivan...

  • Health Technology Appraisal and Radiology

    Author: Dr. E. Jane Adam Consultant Radiologist, St. George’s Hospital London, UK Chair, Committee A, Technology Appraisal Committee NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence UK [email protected]   Radiologists have become experts in evidence-based medicine. Both they...

  • The Bulgarian Healthcare System

    Bulgaria’s main challenge is to catch up with the more developed Member States in terms of healthcare services. The reform process that began in the 1990s and continues today has yet to achieve its objectives. The major goal, and indeed challenge, is to improve population health. Success depends on improving competitiveness and structural reforms,...

  • The Stara Planina Regional Association of Hospitals

    Interviewee: Nina Muskurova Executive Director Regional Association of Hospitals Stara Planina   When and Why was the Association Founded? The association operates primarily in the Stara Planina region of Bulgaria as an organisation of hospitals and institutions professionally involved in healthcare as...

  • Editorial

    Relever Ensemble Les D é fis   L'année 2011 restera certainement longtemps dans nos mémoires ne serait-ce qu’à cause des turbulences qui ont affecté les marchés financiers et les budgets nationaux. Soumis aux mesures generalises de réduction des coûts dans presque tous les pays européens, les hôpitaux se sont vus constraints de réduire...

  • Executive Summaries

    Health Management Training in Nord Irland (E)Hospital sprach mit zwei Managern aus Nord Irland, die ihren Kurs‚HSC Management Training Scheme’ abgeschlossen haben: Louise McMahon, Vorstand des ‚Institute of Health Management Northern Ireland Division’ schloss diesen Kurs als junge Hochschulabsolventin ab und stieg rasch die Karriereleiter...

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